Chapter 9

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The fire in the room cackled on as a lone figure sat in front of it. In a dazed state, all she could do was just look at the red golden flames, her thoughts blank of any emotions.

It was late in night, and Aaya was still seated where she had first rested since the morning. The door of her room in her home was closed, many had come knocking but none dared to open it. She had rarely ever neglected the patients and retreated back. In her life, seeing this peculiar behavior, even her foster mother cautioned against bothering her to her foster uncle.

Indeed, her emotions were scattered, clarity left behind in the forest.

All because sending her away on the task the warrior requested had just been a ruse.

Jung Hoseok had left, by the time she had come back to make the medicine he had requested her. He did not leave behind any note, any letter.

He had simply walked away. Without even saying goodbye.

Was it that easy to leave?

No. it wasn't. He is not gone. He will never leave before meeting me once again. He must be acting according to whatever he has in his mind. He cannot leave me so simply.

This inner voice was the reason she sat dazed. Not due to pain of abandonment or hurt of doubt. No, her problem was the assured surety in her own inner voice, like something inside her was knew.

More than anything, there was a peculiar sensation of fear. Fear, that he had been too calm. Fear, that there was something which was coming.

Fear, that Hoseok had been triggered.

This knowledge that coursed through her blood, was unnatural. How could she know him so well? Why was that voice so different in its personality than what she was? Why did she feel like she was in a dream, a world where she was not who she was.

As was Hoseok. He was not-

Was not what?

Frustrated, Aaya stood up and agitatedly walked towards the window. The streets were dark with no lanterns lit, people were cozy in their homes, leaving the night to blanket the roads with no signs of life.

And in that deserted dark, the moon shone with its tranquility, the stars enhancing its beauty like sprinkling of precious gems in the night sky. The cool win teasing her with its peace, held a thread of gentle malice in it.

Aaya breathed in deep, but she still could not calm down.

A knock this time was accompanied by Nana's voice, "Child? Today was not good for you, sleep well."

Hearing her, Aaya swiftly moved to the door and opened it for the older woman. Nana's eyes worriedly looked over her once, and then she opened her arms. Without a second of delay, Aaya went in the comfort of her embrace, tightly holding her as she buried her face in her neck.

Her Nana understood her state of mind, she knew something had disturbed her. Soothingly she rubbed her back and rocked her a little, "Won't you tell Nana what is wrong?"

"I-Nana, does love make people react in the same way? Will love make anyone react to a situation with the same emotions?"

The Head Physician blinked at the question, instinctively knowing that this question, was in no manner related to her betrothed.

"No." she answered with a little delay, "Its different for each person Dear. For some, a situation can bring pain while the same circumstance may become a challenge for another." She paused a little, before hesistantly asking, "Aaya, did you meet Jung Hoseok in the forest you went in everyday?" she asked carefully.

Dark Embrace [Hoseok FF] [SOF Prequel 0.2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now