Chapter 29

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(Dont jump to the last please 😭😭)

At the dead of the night, a squadron of men quietly moved through a village which was utterly silent. The night light guided them, for even a single lamp was not illuminated in the village.

Like a ghostly , uninhabited town, the masked and black clothed men encountered no danger as they silently reached the big house of the Dark General.

The 4th Prince glanced at his brother, who silently nodded.

It had already been decided that he along with a few men would keep guard outside, while the rest went in.

When they reached the walls lining the courtyard, the skilled men climbed it to jump in. Just like shadows, they disappeared inside the house.

As soon as the men went in, the Crown Prince straightened, earning the alarmed glares of the six guards with him. Although they were not alive long enough to caution the Crown Prince.

Deadly arrows whizzed through the air and accurately pierced their vital places, killing all six guards so swiftly, that in their death, they could not even produce a single sound to disturb the dark tranquillity of the night.

From the surrounding, eleven men dropped down beside the Crown Prince.

One of them, extended a hand holding a vial. He was crisp with his words, "Leave. We will allow you inside in a while."

Saying so, the men quickly surrounded the walls from the outside, while the Crown Prince glanced at them once and without any protest walked towards the houses of the town, sipping the antidote.

For the chance of being the Future King, he apologised in his heart to his little brother he had willingly bartered and pushed to death.

Inside the house, the 4th Prince commanded silently, "Find the Princess. That is the main aim. If you find her, give the signal, we will all retreat. Killing Hoseok is second in our priorities, the Princess being first."

The men nodded and dispersed in different directions. The Prince himself went ahead with a group of eight guards.

Silently, they stalked the corridors, the rooms and the gardens. As time went by, the Prince and the men became more guarded because each house then went in, every building that they inspected, had been empty.

The Prince stopped at last, carefully observing the place. The gardens looked splendid, bathed in the light of the moon, the leaves of the huge trees rustling in the wind while a swing swayed. The surrounding houses all remained quiet.

Feeling a growing disquiet, the Prince spoke, "Head back. Something is wrong."

"Yes." The men spoke at once but then all of them stilled. The voices of the group was lesser than expected.

The Prince turned back alarmed, only to see equally shocked four guards with him.

They clearly understood, this had been a trap. The General, obviously knew they were coming.

The Prince shouted loudly, "RETREAT!"

But right before his eyes, each of the four men were instantly pierced with more than a dozen of arrows. They dropped to the ground silently, their blood painting not just the pavement, but it also sprayed on the astonished and horrified face of the Prince who gasped with fright.

"Leaving so soon?"

The cold voice came from within the shadows, an elegant man with his long hair tied back stepped out on the pavement. His robes became part of the darkness, as the swished about when the man walked towards the Prince.

Dark Embrace [Hoseok FF] [SOF Prequel 0.2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now