Chapter 26

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For a long time, Anya sat on the floor, while Hoon Chul became more and more frantic. She just thought, her mind detached from the reactions her body was feeling, detached in a way that the world for her did not exist.

When Hoon Chul grabbed her arm, that was when Anya broke out of her stupor.

Her mind was already made up, she knew what she wanted. She knew.

"Brother?" Hoon Chul stopped his actions at her address to him. His eyes reflected a flicker of emotion in them, something that also found its way in his voice.

"Yes My Princess."

"You said you had short time earlier?" Anya sweetly asked, making him believe she was believing him, "Can we not go right away? Do we have to wait for the banquet?"

Hoon Chul smiled, "There, there. No. in fact, my benefactor just liked doing it in front of the entire assembly, but even today, the feast includes major officials, your parents and our King. I too want it to be done tonight, before Hoseok returns. Its just that we need to wait till the feast begins, my Benefactor wont be free till then. Also, though the Kings will be conversing in the Peacock hall now, for the revelation it would be better if there are more audience. Right now, we will only be able to convey it to the Crown Prince or the King."

Alarmed, Anya grabbed at Hoon Chul, "Then we must hurry out!"

"No, wait. Taking you out will not be easy."

"Did you not say you have men in the network?" Anya looked a little hurt. Hoon Chul immediately nodded, "I have enough men, but even still, they have to remain hidden until the assembly. If their identities are known, their statements won't be taken, or they might be killed. Ha-Ru and his men are strong after all."

"But we need to keep you safe!" Anya did not let go of his hand, "Please do not call me greedy but my freedom depends on you mainly. Even if something happens to you, if you die-"

"My benefactor will blame Hoseok and still proceed with the plan. Your freedom is a guarantee Princess. Irrespective of my fate."

Anya shushed at that. Another thing was clear, she could not let him leave. For her plan to succeed, he should remain in the Inn, not set a foot outside.

"Then, will we go to the feast before the General comes?" at his nod, Anya hesitated a little. Seeing her troubled, Hoon Chul asked about anything troubling her.

Shyly, Anya grasped Hoon Chul's hand, "You will never know how grateful I am for doing this so selflessly for me. I want to be able to meet my parents the right way. Will you give me some time to dress accordingly? I need to prepare myself. Even though I am ruined," she revealed her arms, faint bruises the shape of finger marks remained, "I still want to bathe, to somehow present myself to be. . . . . better than what I am."

Hoon Chul nodded, "But of course. I will send someone to get you to the Palace. I will be waiting there for you. We will go inside together."

Anya shook her head, "I have been living in this nightmare where you have shown me some hope. Please understand that I am afraid it will be lost again. Please. Please don't go without me? Can you not wait for me? I will not take long, I promise. Please?" she beseeched, softly entreating Hoon Chul, "Just wait in the adjacent room, I will hurry. Please? Can I ask you for this? For all the times you stood aside, this is what I ask for you."

"Calm down." Hoon Chul laughed a little. "Okay. I will wait right next door for you. The corridor does not have guards, I took care of it, so keep the front door unlocked, okay?"

Anya sighed with relief, visibly brightening.


As soon as Hoon Chul left, Anya dashed to the inner chamber, finding little Tang still asleep.

Dark Embrace [Hoseok FF] [SOF Prequel 0.2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now