Chapter 18

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Present Day

In the dimly lit room, Lady Areum paused to take a sip of the tea she had brewed for them both while Suhan's remained untouched.

"He did rape her on their first time." Suhan murmured.

"Young Master." Lady Areum shook her head, "For a woman, if someone touches her intimately against her will, that's rape. If a husband forces himself on her against her will, that, is rape. If a night results in physical wounds but if the woman says it was consensual, you have no say about the matter."

Suhan did not hear her spiel, his thoughts worried and concerned not about a past that had long ago been buried, but for the present.

He skipped ahead, "They were together for 6 months. Is the history correct in that?"


"Their lives after it? Was it still a struggle between beliefs of the society against her feelings?"

Lady Areum did not quite understand the question, but she answered it in her manner, "For those six months they enjoyed each other's company.

It was said that they never separated once. The General could not leave her side at all. Wherever she went, he would faithfully go, while if it was him who had to leave, he would cajole his love into coming with him."

Suhan shook his head and scoffed, "Wrapping it in a colourful paper of romance will not take away from those actions being dark, Lady Areum. Not giving her any space? Is that normal?"

Stiffly, Lady Areum asked, "From what I have heard of you Young Master, will you consider yourself to be normal?"

Suhan blinked at that, then cleared his throat, "Ah, umm continue."

Lady Areum gave him an annoyed look, but then continued,

"The townsfolk protected the existence of Anya-"

"Sorry." Suhan abruptly interrupted again, "Just please, lets call her maiden? And while we are at it, lets just refer to him as Jung or General?"

Perplexed at his strange request, the Old woman let it go and nodded.

"The days that followed, except of the maiden's nana and her little brother, no one could get closer to her, or be alone. She was always in the company of the General. He shifted his houses to reside with her, every waking moment, spent with her.

As days passed, the house could see her smile more often, she was happy. And every bit of her smiles was greedily soaked up by the General who she thought had changed. She thought, he had become more open, he was indulgent and as gentle as he could be with her afterall.

But that was not the truth. In reality, he had become even more dangerous. Any one who approached with the intention of admiring his maiden quietly disappeared. Any, who thought to express their love to her died a horrible death. It soon became known, that she was to be admired from afar, never dreamt of.

But the north still strengthened under him. It was the Maiden's influence which made the people trust the General, it was the maiden's insistence in which during a disaster, more food was distributed by the General's place.

Though they knew the General to be a silent shadow, watching everyone who could dare to steal his love from him, they also started loving him for the dedication and devotion he displayed.

There were times, when many officials had visited the north. They had fallen in love with the beauty of the maiden. It had been the villagers who would lure them to the courtesan's house and let the General know."

Dark Embrace [Hoseok FF] [SOF Prequel 0.2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now