Chapter 27

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Hoseok bumped into someone in his haste to reach for his horse. Not caring who was in the way or if someone fell, he hoisted himself up and pulled on the reigns, the Horse neighing loudly, lifting its front legs in the air, then hitting the ground in a dead run.

The rider of the horse was someone who did not recognise anything, was someone who did not even see anything except the narrow path he knew he had to take, to reach his Gazelle before it was too late.

Before, she left him alone forever.

That thought sent fresh panic down his spine.

No. no. She could not die. She could not leave him!

Her beautiful smile came to his mind as he blindly whipped the animal into running faster. The beautiful smile, that he could not see ever again?

Hoseok. . . . . please don't go

I don't feel right. I truly don't.

The General's wild eyes covered itself with a translucent film of water when his memory of her soft, pleading entreaty flashed before his eyes.

Why had he not listened to her?? Why??

With desperation of a dying man, he rode harder than he ever had.

He needed to save her.

He had to save her.



Hoon Chul staggered away from her then stumbled and fell down on the floor, his eyes stuck to the protruding hilt of dagger from his chest.

Outside, the guards moved away, the sounds of their boots thudding down audible. Distant sounds of metal scrapping against metal started getting heavier in intensity, reaching the two wounded bodies lying inside the beautifully decorated room of a beautiful wooden Inn.

In a daze, Hoon Chul registered the sounds, understanding his spies being killed by Hoseok's men. Registering, that all of his carefully thought-out plans of long were coming apart completely. Realizing, that he was losing.

Trusting, caring for a girl, caused his entire life's goal to shatter. Just in one act, one, act of kindness, the person who he had wanted to bring to justice his entire life was not going to be free.

Kindness, in the end, killed him.

It was painful, it was corrosively painful how close he had come to see Hoseok die the most degrading death. Still, even if he died, at least his dream was still intact.

Slow chuckles came from him turning into sarcastic laughter when he grasped one flaw.

"Princess," he said through his pain, "I admit, you did defeat me. How can I not acknowledge it? But, the situation still remains the same." He looked at Anya, who was struggling to sit up, the robe she wore dyed red on the side, the floor slowly getting soaked in the scarlet liquid.

"Even if you and I die tonight, even if all my men die, the Prince will still be able to send Hoseok to his planned death by charging him of High Treason.

It will still be easy to show the King of Jeogdal your birthmark. With both of us dead, do you think an accused General's word will hold up against a Prince's?"

Anya ignored all that he was saying, breathing through the sharp pain of the knife still embedded in her. She moved bit by bit, crawling on the ground, going towards her target.

Dark Embrace [Hoseok FF] [SOF Prequel 0.2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now