Chapter 30

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(Dont jump to the last please 😭😭)

Suhan sat still. In his hand, his mobile was spinning fast, his actions unconscious.

Lady Areum pointed toward the cupboards, "The General could not completely follow his maiden's wishes. All of his letters, which the Maiden had cherished, all the jewels he had given, all of it was entrusted to her Nana, who kept it preserved."

Suhan glanced at the cupboards, not asking the Lady to fetch the evidence, so she continued,

"The Maiden's Nana and the General's trusted brother made this compound over the one that burnt down. The main temple has the ashes of both the Maiden and the General.

The family of the little boy, who grew up to be a doctor, was entrusted with the legend of the binyeo by their Nana. It was passed down, that this secret would be guarded and buried until the Binyeo found its way to the temple, with someone who wanted to know the truth."

"That's oddly specific." Suhan spoke after a long while.

"Those were the instructions left by the Maiden in her letter. She believed in the legend. Unlike you." The old woman took a dig.

Suhan ignored it. He had to, because truthfully at that moment, he was a mess. "If that is all, you may leave."

Lady Areum cast a shocked look at him, "Young Master! Learn some manners! Is this the way you treat someone?"

"Lady, trust me." Suhan patiently replied, "I am being extremely respectful given the circumstance I find myself in. Your job is done. You will be well rewarded for it. But know, that this is my legal property, and right now, I need to be alone."

The older woman saw the white lines of strain around his eyes and asked just one question, "What are you going to do to this temple?"

Suhan pushed back the chair and stood up. Putting on a genial smile, he walked forward towards her, "I'll help you out."

Stunned and astonished at his behaviour, the old woman could only gape as she was effectively walked out of the gates of the temple by the Master.

Once she was gone, Suhan stood on the grounds.

A sense of unrealism shrouded him, he could not get over the tale. Ever since the auction, this strange anxiety had developed in him.

He recalled, as soon as Hobi had seen the Binyeo in the auction of the Gala, without hesitation, without a pause, he had asked him to buy it.

His cadence, his intonation, his aura had changed, once Hobi sat in the audience and the story progressed. Speaking the words, the way he did, was impossible for a hybrid without receiving an education. The Hobi he knew had changed into a completely different man in that auction.

Then there was the jewels.

Hobi was the one who had come up with the idea, taking charge of the project.

The one thing, Anya had shared with Suhan regarding Hoseok's worry was that he had been constantly plagued with the anxiety of Anya fearing him.

The one who had taken the punishment Anya had given Jimin the hardest, had been him. He had detested Anya taking pain for a mistake not committed by her. Her suffering pain for their mistake or for them, it was poorly tolerated by Hoseok, a shadow of what happened to the Maiden.

The more Suhan recalled, the more unreal it got. He was at a complete loss at how to take this. He didn't know what to do. More than that, he didn't know if this kind of a past was only shared with Hobi or-

Taehyung! He was behaving oddly too!

Suhan clutched at his head, sitting down then and there. His mind whirled, his emotions were drenched in sorrow, his protective instincts were riled up, while he felt helpless. Learning the truth, hadn't helped at all.

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