Chapter 5

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(Mark's POV)

Alex really needs to stop. He keeps being a class A jerk to everyone he meets. Especially with everyone avoiding him, even his closest friends aren't talking to him anymore. Some part of me felt bad for him but on the other hand he brought this upon himself.

Lately I've been helping Olly with what his family member needed. Apparently, her name was Rubber Band. I think she might have been that girl I saw early this year. I didn't tell him this of course.

"So, what's the play called?" I asked.

"Paper Mario the Origami King."

"Who do you play?"

"The origami king whose name is Olly because she wanted us to play a role and she just kept our names the same. To prevent confusion."

"Ok... well what's it about?"

"Well, the origami king is the villain and basically the story is about Mario and how he tries to stop him."

"Interesting I guess" to be honest I'm not really into play, well just the acting, Amber has been trying to get me to join the stage crew. She said I'd like it. I was surprised she'd suggested this because she wasn't even in any of the school plays. I'd refuse, I didn't need any extra stuff to do after school. I mean I guess the tech stuff seems pretty interesting like lighting and sound effects.

We were only designing the set. Apparently, this is for a bigger place where they can do a lot of set changes. We were only doing a few decisions like whispering woods and a campsite. He said other people were covering everything else.

"So does this look good?" I asked. Showing him a list of the things, we would need to include like trees, tents and possibly a campfire and what we should make it out of.

"Yeah, it seems good." he said reading it over. "Rubber will be happy."

"So what should we make the fire out of? That's the only thing I need to figure out."

"Rubber should have an idea. I'll ask her after school.

"One more question: why is her name Rubber like who names their kid that? And you said some other people that were helping are Tape Punch and Scissors? It's all school supplies names."

"So thanks for your help, you didn't need to," he said, changing the conversation.

"Umm, you're welcome. So what should we do now? There's still 10 more minutes until the bell rings."

"I'm just going to sketch the sets for Rubber. She's like me to mail these to her as soon as possible."

"Didn't she ask you to do this when you visited her two weeks ago wouldn't she need them later like I don't know in a few months when it's closer to her play?" I asked.

"She likes to be on top of things. Besides, they need to build the stuff from scratch."

"Should we help with that?" By the sound of it, it's only a small group of people, I think five, that's a lot of people to build sets on their own.

"Tape and Hole Punch are going to do that; Scissors is going to help Jean with designing the sets seeing as he's also working with costume."

"And what's Rubber doing?"

"Writing the script, because no one will let her skip nights of sleep to do this."

"So they want the best for her."

"No, she snaps at anyone who bugs her when she's sleep deprived, not to mention shoots rubber bands at them when they don't pay attention."

"Ok... she seems nice."

"She is most of the time. What does he mean most of the time? Is she like the person who attacked him and Olivia... wait.

"Where is your sister anyway? I know she doesn't have our lunch hour but is she still sick?"

"Yeah..." the way he said his answer made me unsure if he was telling the truth, but what else could have happened?

Olly went back to his sketch and I just waited for the bell to ring.

At home I was wondering if something happened, he hasn't seemed the same since spring break. What exactly happened in his hometown, I didn't know the name so I couldn't look it up and I didn't know their last name so I couldn't check that. Maybe Amber dose

"Amber," I asked, knocking on her door.

"What do you need Mark?" She said she was working on her homework. She pretty organized her paper neatly stacked into piles unlike my desk where the papers are scattered.

"Do you know the name of the town Olivia used to live in?"

"No, she said she forgot the name, why?"

"I'm just wondering if something happened there."

"Well I don't know, ask Olly."

"Maybe.." I said. I wasn't sure if Olly was going to tell me the last time I asked he change the subject just like he did when I mentioned his family's names being school supplies. Which I'm still wondering about.

I sighed and tried to finish my homework. There's always tomorrow.

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