Chapter 7

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(Mark's POV)

Why can't Mom just leave me alone? She keeps asking me about Alex.

Saying things like 'oh I haven't seen him lately.' or 'how has he been?' or 'why don't you invite him over.' That's exactly what she asked me in the car.

"So, I was talking to Alex's mom early and she sai-."

"Mom, I see Alex at school ok that's enough he's just made new friends."

"That wasn't what she said. But what happened? Did you two get into a fight?"

"Mom! No, we didn't get into a fight, just tell me what she said."

"Ok apparently there was a person that went missing a few weeks ago, it was on the news last night."

"Who?" Amber asked. Apparently, she was done with staring out the window.

"I know don't she didn't tell me,"

"I thought this was a safe town."

"Me too," I added. normally it was.

"I don't know..." Mom said.

At home I was too busy worrying, this is a pretty small town, I scrolled the news, there were no names. About the criminal or the person who went missing. If they didn't find them, or the criminal. They don't even know who they are.... How? Wouldn't someone say something? About someone going missing.

"Mark..." Amber said, knocking on my door.

"What do you need? Amber."

"I'm scared. Weird stuff has been happening in this town."

"I'm more worried for that person's family, they must be struggling."

"We should cheer them up." she said.

"People don't even know who's missing."



We were silent for a little bit.

"Amber is something bugging you?"

"Why are you and Alex not talking anymore, you used to be really good friends?" Great, now she's bugging me with the question.

"People change that's same with friendships,"

"So, like in the future me and Gavin and Jackson and Olivia won't be friends anymore?" she asked, looking a little worried.

"Maybe not saying you will be or won't be."

"Though can you agree that weird things are happening around town? Like I've never felt more unsafe here,"


"Well there's that weird thing and now this and the attack."

"What attack?"

"Well when Olivia's family member attacked her."

"That was fake," I reassured her.

"It didn't look fake."

"I didn't need to look fake."

"Well what about the monster?"

"That was also fake."

"But now that I'm thinking about it, why would a reliable person tell a lie especially about something like this?" she asked.

"Well... that's just how people are."


"Anything else I should know?"

"Well the person that answers the door. Seems off... I don't know why. But he just did."

"I think you're over thinking."

"Maybe," then she left.

"But she's right, weird things have been happening. Every sense....... 

Olly's family came to visit 

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