Chapter 21

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(Olivia's POV)

"So, you're good with the plan?" I asked, Olly.

"What plan?" he asked. We were hidden so the Legion couldn't see us. So we didn't have to dodge the attacks but Olly worried that they would find us.

"We remove the black things."

"It's not really a plan, more like an action."

"Shut up, no one asked you."

"You basically did," he teased.

"I find it so funny that we're trying to save the Legion and you still feel the need to tease me."

"I find it interesting that you two are hiding from 6 living stationary items and making a racket while doing it." I froze. That wasn't Olly.

"Hi Handaconda." Olly sighed.

"Hello, Scissors' old boss." he smiled before yelling to the Legion. "They're over here!"

"Shut up." I growled.

"Too late Livi, just run." Olly grabbed my hand and dragged me out of our hiding spot. Catching the attention of the Legion.

"So we're going to have to try your 'plan' got it?"

I nodded.

"We'll start with Scissors and Punch, because they're more dangerous then Tape and Stapler then Rubber and Jean."


And fortunately for us Hole Punch was the first to try and attack us. Olly managed to quickly rip the black square off his neck leaving behind a few drops of blood. I winced, it looked painful.

"Olivia." Olly yelled, causing me to be more aware. Tape was right behind me. I didn't want to hurt him.

"I'm sorry," I said. Ripping it off. After a few seconds both of their eyes faded to their normal color.

"So, are you two back to normal?" I hesitantly asked.

"Livi what are you doing here and what do yo-" Hole Punch started but stopped once Scissors' sword passed all four of us.

Tape looked at us, "What exactly happened. I don't remember seein' youse. I know Scissors hate youse Olivia. But I don't think she would attack us."

"Long story short." Olly said. "Bowser and Handaconda brainwashed you guys and forced you to attack us."

"How did youse stop it?"

"Removing this black thing from your neck." I said handing it to him.

"So, he brainwas-" the second sword flew past us."


"I like dat idea." Tape muttered.

"Wait but Olly, Olivia you're dead," Hole Punch questioned.

"And you're not!"

"Good point."

Tape easily distract Scissors enough to remove the black thing. He surprisingly knew most of her moves.

Only three more left.

Stapler was easy enough to distract all it took was a ball. Though Olly was so happy to see him back to normal. That made me smile.

Scissors managed to sneak behind Colored Pencils while he was using his rocket launcher. And Rubber didn't really like to attack close so she was harder.

"We can't get close to her," Scissors complained. "I can't lose a fight to her."

"We're not trying to kill her," Colored Pencils said.

"I know..."

"Wait Olly Olivia. I have the best idea," Hole Punch said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"One word teleportation."

"For once you have a good idea." Olly said. "Why didn't I think of that sooner?"

"Because you're not me."

"I know that."

"Less talkin' more doin'," Tape snapped.

"I'll just do it." I muttered. Appearing behind Rubber. "Hi," I waved.

She jumped, giving me time to grab the black thing.

"What happened?" she whispered.

"You were brainwashed." Hole Punch said.


"Yeah, Scissors isn't too happy about it either."

"I'm going to kill him." Scissors muttered, turning the corner that Handaconda was in. Was he just watching this fight?

"Look I'm sorry," he said. "Please you don't need to kill me."

"Oh but I do."

"Scissors just leave him," Olly said.


"I'll give you a reason," he said.

"Go on." she said letting him know that he wouldn't kill him, yet.

"Thank you. So, well he told me that he would help me get revenge on the Mario guy for killing you. And the legion... I didn't realize you were still alive, well until you yelled at me for betraying you. And by then I thought it was too late. And I was forced to go along with what the browser had planned."

"So you didn't want to."

"Not really."

"Fine... I won't kill you but I don't forgive you."

"I forgive you Handa," Hole Punch said. "Well, that might be because I barely knew you.

"Thanks Hole Punch."

"You're welcome."

"We can leave him here right?" Scissors said.

Olly thought it over. "I think he can come with us."


"Because he seems sorry." he turned to Handaconda. "But if you kidnap my sister one more time, I will end your life. Got it?"

"Yes sir."


"Olly be nice." I told him

"I am."

"No you're not." I said. He shrugged.

We quickly made our way to Mushroom island. I was incredibly glad to see the Craftsmen. I haven't seen him in a long time. It felt really nice to see him again. Though we quickly left to go back home we left the Legion with Handaconda, Olly told Scissors not to kill him. Though I think he wouldn't have cared if she did.

Once finally at home. I felt exhausted. It was a long day. I was already tired from worrying about what would happen to me, throw on a long day and I could probably sleep for a few days.

Though I feel like our life is never easy because at home there was another problem to deal with.

"You guys have a lot of explaining to do." At first, I was confused. Who said that? But then I saw Amber, Gavin Jackson, Mark and some other guy. Amber was holding a piece of paper. Olly peered at the title.

"For the love of origami!"

"We're in trouble." I muttered.

To Be Continued (Your welcome :D)

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