✧*。CHAPTER 2✧*。

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The last bell rang, signalling that it's time to go home for the students. Everyone got up and grabbed their bags to leave the classroom.

Just as they were about to leave, rain started to patter against the window. This meant that there was going to be a rainstorm. Luckily, everyone brought their umbrellas as they saw the weather forecast.

Everyone, except Yuri. She forgot to bring her umbrella because she didn't check beforehand about the weather.

'Damn it..' the girl thought to herself. She didn't want to ask anybody to share because she was too shy and she felt bad for making them walk her home.

Not that they would mind, in actuality, because everyone wanted to be friends with the lovely girl, but her conscious said otherwise.

After Yuri changed her shoes, she just waited at the entrance, watching all the other students leaving with their friends or on their own.

'Aw man, if only I had my umbrella, I could've been home by now and watching cat videos..' she thought to herself while waiting.

'Screw it, I'll just walk in the rain, it's not like I'll get sick.'

She decided to stop loitering and waiting and decided to just walk through the rain.

It was raining cats and dogs and not suitable for being outside without an umbrella, but here Yuri was, running in the rain like it was any normal day.

The rain had suddenly triggered a certain memory which made her slow down. She began to feel numb.

She had a lot on her mind so couldn't feel the rain on her but it was freezing and she could feel herself shiver.

Slowly, she started to regret her choice because she couldn't see properly because of all the rain but thankfully she remembered her address.

It was still a far walk before she could reach her house because of the rain. She was bound to get a cold and a fever because of her foolishness for going out.

Just as she was about to give up and go back to the school, she suddenly couldn't feel the rain anymore and saw a pair of white school shoes and a black uniform.

"Are you okay?" A soft voice asked her with concern.

She looked up to see the boy from her class, the one with the funny haircut which she thought suited him.

'Oh, it's him. Bowl-cut-kun.' she thought to herself.

Mob, not realizing it was his new classmate, was caught by surprise and blushed a little at the sight of her face.

It wasn't like he had a crush on her or anything, it's just that he isn't used to talking to girls. Nevertheless, he would be happy to help anyone in need, doesn't matter if it's a terrible person or presumably someone he doesn't even know.

Mob was never good with girls. He would always stutter and blush, so knowing it was Yuri he was helping, he couldn't help but blush a little more than usual because she was close to him.

"A-ah, I d-didn't know it was y-you Yuri-san" Mob said with a quiet voice.

Yuri, however, kept staring for a little longer making Mob worried if he had said anything wrong. Yuri finally felt the awkward tension and spoke up.

"O-oh, hello, um.."

"My name is Shigeo, Kageyama Shigeo but everyone calls me Mob"

"A-ah, Shige-kun, um, thank you for sharing your umbrella with me"

"N-n-no it's not a problem a-at all, and um, I'd b-be happy t-to walk y-you home if you'd l-like"

Yuri just smiled and responded with "I'd really like that".

They both walked in silence, although Yuri still felt cold and was shivering, but she tried to not let it show.

It was quite a peaceful stroll, but the scenery was quite dark and scary to say the least. It was raining cats and dogs.

Yuri's head was in the clouds as they kept walking. The atmosphere between them was starting to get awkward, so Mob tried to lighten the mood the best he could.

"S-so, Y-Yuri-san, eto, why were you w-walking in the rain..?" Mob asked, slightly worried that it was insensitive of him to ask.

Yuri snapped out of her daze and looked over to Mob, who was now looking at her with a blank face.

"O-oh, uhm, no reason..." Yuri answered nonchalantly as she lowered her head.

She was feeling a bit embarrassed; to have someone see her like this? She shouldn't have been this dumb. Now she couldn't even make eye contact.

She let out a small sigh, but not loud enough for Mob to hear. The air was getting thicker by the second.

Mob asked for directions to her house as he didn't know where she lived and then noticed how they weren't far from each other.

They were now infront of her house and Mob brought her to her front gate.

As she was thanking him and leaving, he noticed that their houses were really close.

'Hm, what a coincidence.' he thought.

Mob shrugged it off and just walked back to his own home which was just around the corner.

As he was walking towards his house, a small tabby cat approached him and rubbed on his leg affectionately.

Mob was pleasently surprised by this interaction as he knelt down to pet the stray when he noticed something strange.

The cat's fur was perfectly dry and soft, as if someone and been caring for it, but it had no collar and there was not a single spot it could've sheltered itself from the rain.

It was odd, but Mob didn't have time to worry about such stuff as it was getting dark and his family might get worried about his absence.

He pet the cat for the last time and went back home. The cat meowed as he walked away and ran away to who knows where.

"I'm home." Mob announced as he took off his shoes and put away his umbrella.

His parents greeted him from the living room and kitchen as they were busy doing their own stuff.

The upstairs bedroom door opened and a younger male went down the stairs to greet his sibling.

"Welcome back, Nii-san!"

"Ah, hey Ristu." Mob said causally with a small smile.

"You're pretty late today, did that guy keep you?" Ritsu said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Oh, no, I was just uhh, helping someone, yeah." Mob retorted.

"Hm, okay. You should probably take a bath soon before you catch a cold. I'll let you know when dinners ready." Ritsu smiled as he went back to his room.

Mob nodded and went upstairs as well to put away his stuff and take his bath.

*.✧The Most Beautiful Flower*.✧ {Shigeo Kageyama x OC}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora