✧*。CHAPTER 5✧*。

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Back at Yuri's house, she was currently at home lying on her bed whilst on her phone.

She was scrolling mindlessly through her social media, not paying attention to it mostly.

It was raining lightly outside and it was chill and cold, which was how Yuri liked it. Rain always calmed her down.

She was in a peaceful state for a short while until she was interrupted by a knock on her door.

"Honey, I made dinner! You should come down and join us." Yuri's mother called out to her.

That startled Yuri a bit as she thought that her parents would work a little later, but she was pleased to hear her mother's voice.

She put her phone down and swiftly went downstairs to join her parents.

After dinner, Yuri was back in her room, about to fall asleep.

Her eyes were feeling heavy and tired as she blinked slowly. Her eyes then slowly shut on their own and she was now in a deep slumber.

Yuri never usually dreamt, but on rare occasions, she does; and tonight was one of those occasions.

Her dreams were supposedly never odd or out of place, it's just a normal dream, such as petting a big fluffy cat or sleeping on a huge fluffy forest spirit.

But this particular dream was rather strange and peculiar. Everything was hazy and foggy, the asphalt near her were destroyed and cracked and there was a figure infront of her.

The person was unrecognizable because dreams aren't exactly clear, and especially with all the fog. Yuri was in first person, so she tried to walk, but everytime she took a step, the asphalt beneath her would break.

She didn't know what to do, so she stood back still.

The person that was infront of her tried to walk to her, but before she could even get a clue of who it was, it was suddenly dark.

It lasted for what seemed like an eternity until a figure approached, but it was different from the previous one. This one was distinguishable. It was a woman with a milk white dress that seemed to cover the floor, with short, sparkling platinum hair and a velvety veil that covered her face. She was also really tall.

But the most distinguishable part of her look, was her beautiful smile. It was small and not that obvious. She had pinkish red lips that looked plump and gorgeous. She also couldn't see her eyes, which was probably because of her veil.

Yuri didn't know what was going on, the dream at the start was ready confusing, let alone this. As beautiful as the lady seemed, she was terrified. She was suddenly in a dark room, with an unknown lady who's skin was as pale as a corpse's.

Yuri couldn't move, she was paralyzed. She couldn't even scream, breathe or even blink. Everything hurt.

She didn't know what was causing this, but the thing that worried her the most was the fact that the ominous woman started approaching her.

Her movements were smooth, almost as if she wasn't walking at all, but she could hear her heels clanking against the cold floor.

Her pace was slow, yet terrifying. Yuri didn't know what was going to happen, and she didn't want to stick around to find out, but sadly she couldn't do anything.

The woman was getting closer each second. She didn't have much time left. Panic and chills ran through her whole body.

Her mind was racing with solutions on how to wake up or get out of this situation but none of them were effective.

*.✧The Most Beautiful Flower*.✧ {Shigeo Kageyama x OC}Where stories live. Discover now