✧*。CHAPTER 4✧*。

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The third bell rang, signalling that all the students at Salt Middle School were able to leave for lunch.

Everyone left the classroom except for a few people who brought their lunches to enjoy with their friend.

Yuri smiled to herself, knowing that she can now enjoy her delicious lunch that she had made earlier.

Taking her packed lunch from under her desk, she was about to eat her until she noticed that Mob was also eating all alone.

She couldn't help but feel a little bad for him, despite their very awkward interaction earlier.

Yuri wanted to eat by herself and not have another awkward interaction, but at the same time she could never forgive herself if she ever did that.

She grumbled quietly at herself for having such a soft heart and scooted over to Mob's desk.

Mob was just about to eat his lunch when he heard a screeching sound coming towards him. He jolted and was slightly alarmed, until he saw where the source of the sound was coming from.

His heart raced a little upon seeing Yuri again. She was sitting near his side with her bento on his desk.

After Yuri was done shifting in her seat, she turned to Mob and gave him a small smile.

"Um, is it okay if I eat w-with you?" Yuri asked in a slight whisper.

"Oh uhm, sure.." He answered softly.

After a small awkward silence of them eating, Yuri decided to put away her social anxieties aside and speak up.

"S-so! Um, I know we got off on the wrong foot, so uh I wanted to start over." Yuri said as she fidgeted with her chopsticks.

Mob only looked up and nodded as his mouth was full.

Yuri cleared her throat and began her introduction.

"Hello! My name is Mika Yuri and I'm from abroad, nice to meet you!" Yuri said with a warm smile while holding her hand out.

Mob smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you too, Yuri-san. My name is Kageyama Shigeo. I hope you'll like it here in spice city." He responded with a little bit of emotion.

He was a bit shaky and hesitant to accept Yuri's handshake but he took it nonetheless.

Yuri smiled with her eyes closed. She was really happy to be able to make another new friend.

"So, does this means we're friends now? If you want, I mean."

"Sure, I'd love to."

They then continued to eat their lunch but without the awkward tension this time.

It was currently Science, but Yuri paid no mind to the teacher in front as she had her head in the clouds.

'Ahh, I'm so happy I got to make another friend today! I should celebrate once I get home~' She thought to herself.

She was seemingly in a good mood. Obviously.

Meanwhile with Saki, she seemed to be distracted by Yuri as she sat behind her.

She had a straight face while fidgeting with her pencil. It seemed as if she was curious about what Yuri was thinking, but paid no mind afterward.

Mob, on the other hand couldn't stop smiling to himself, although it wasn't apparent on his face. He was just as joyous as she was. They do share a braincell.


The final bell rang and everyone began to fleet from their seat to their lockers.

Yuri was about to get up when Saki appeared in front of her, offering to walk home with her to which she agreed to.

She went ahead to grab her belongings when she noticed that Mob still hasn't left the classroom yet.

Having a little bit of confidence left in her, she grabbed her bag and went up to him.

"H-hey Shige-kun.."

"O-oh, u-um, hi Yuri-san. Do you need anything..?"

"Well uh, I was just wondering if you wanted to walk home with me and Saki.. If you're not busy that is!!" Yuri stammered.

Mob's face lit up. He never got to do that since he didn't have any friends, so this was a new thing for him, yet something he always wanted to do.

"Oh. I mean yeah yeah, I'm not busy or anything! Eto, I'll go with you.." Mob responded a little flustered.

"Great, let's go then!"

The trio were now walking together, with Yuri and Saki chatting with each other.

After a short while, Yuri felt guilty for leaving Mob out, even though he didn't mind it as much as he was happy enough to walk with them.

She tried to insert him into the conversation between her and Saki.

"Yeah, I think dogs are better than cats." Saki said to Yuri.

"Ehh, really...I think the latter but it's whatever. What about you, Kageyama-kun?" Yuri turned to Mob.

"H-huh? Me?" Mob stuttered as he was caught off guard.

"Yeah. Do you think cats or dogs are better?" She asked eagerly.

"U-um, w-well, I personally like cats more.." He said sounding timid.

"Yay!!! See, I knew cats were superior!" Yuri triumphed while giggling.

"Ahh whatever you guys.." Saki said sounding defeated.

Both Mob and Yuri smiled contently at each other, having found something in common.

They continued to converse with one another until they had reached Yuri's house.

"Aw man, that walk felt so short.." Saki complained.

"Ahaha, don't worry, we'll see each other again tomorrow. I'll see you both later. Bye-bye!!" Yuri waved.

They bothers bid their goodbyes to her and waited until she went inside to leave.

They both walked in silence for a short while until Saki spoke up.

"I don't think we've introduced ourselves properly to one another, so.." Saki turned to Mob.

"O-oh, um, yeah."

"Hello! My name is Washimiya Saki and I'm from Saitama, nice to meet you!" She held out her hand.

"N-nice to meet you Saki, my name is Kageyama Shigeo." He shook her hand for a short while.

"Haha, nice name. Is it okay if I call you Mob?"


After that short introduction, they began to warm up with each other until they arrived at Mob's house and parted ways.

Saki waved him goodbye and stood there for a short while afterwards. Her expression was blank and emotionless.

She smiled to herself with a wide grin and skipped home happily.

"This will be great."

*.✧The Most Beautiful Flower*.✧ {Shigeo Kageyama x OC}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang