✧*。CHAPTER 6✧*。

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It was now morning. She could hear the birds chirping and the bicycle bells ringing.

It was currently dawn so it was very early, even for Yuri. She checked her alarm clock and she could see that it was currently 5:32 am.

Her alarm usually rings at 6:00 am sharp, so it was quite odd. Yuri never had any trouble with he sleep schedule.

It was now Wednesday which was still a school week, so Yuri decided to get ready for her day early.

She couldn't remember why she woke up, or what she was even dreaming about. It was strange.

She didn't think too much of it and went straight to the bathroom to take her morning shower.

After putting on her uniform, as usual, she put on her skincare and makeup and other stuff and made breakfast.

She made buttered toast sprinkled with some sugar and a hot chocolate. This was her favourite.

As she was eating her breakfast, it began to rain lightly. Seeing this, Yuri decided to check the weather forecast on her phone and it supposedly was going to rain a lot that day.

Yuri was glad to have checked, as she would've forgotten her umbrella like last time.

Then she remembered about how Mob approached her and 'saved her'. She smiled thinking about it.

She sighed, as she took a swig of her now warm hot chocolate. It was just how she liked it.

The sound of the rain pattering on her window was like music to Yuri's ears. She sat there longer to enjoy the morning rain ambience.

After Yuri finished her breakfast, she sat around for a short while and waited until the sun rose a little.

After a short while, she went to grab her jacket and her schoolbag. She then put on her shoes and left the house.

The air was cold because of the rain from last night and earlier that morning, which was quite nice.

As soon as she went down the steps, she noticed that there were two people in front of her gate. She looked closely and noticed that it was her peers.

Yuri was happy to see them.

"Good morning!" She greeted them as she exited through the gate.

They both turned around and greeted her back.

"Good morning Yuri-san!!"

"Good morning."

"Were you guys waiting for me? That's so sweet of you!" Yuri smiled.

"Ahahah, it's nothing, we just live near you so I thought it would be nice to walk to school with you both." Saki returned the smile to Yuri.

"Still, thank you guys!" Yuri thanked them as she went to them.

She smiled, then motioned for them to go on their way.

They then proceeded to school since it was almost time.

As they were walking, they began to engage in small talk.

They were all talking about random stuff and telling each other facts about them like their favourite food, color, etc.

"My favourite color is pink actually!" Yuri responded to a question Saki had asked her.

"Wait really?! Me too! What a coincidence!" Saki exclaimed.

"That's cool! What about you Shige-kun?" Yuri turned to Mob.

"Eto, if I had to really think about it, I guess it's blue." Mob said nonchalantly.

*.✧The Most Beautiful Flower*.✧ {Shigeo Kageyama x OC}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora