✧*。CHAPTER 13 ✧*。

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As Yuri fell asleep, she was preparing to brace herself to see the white woman again, but to her luck, she didn't appear. Maybe this is a sign she won't see her again?

With that, Yuri slept peacefully without any interruptions and had quite a nice dream.

Flowers bloomed everywhere, an array of colors made it seem bright and joyful as the cool breeze drifted over them, making it seem as if they were dancing.

It was quiet and peaceful as the air stilled around her. The scent of the flowers wafted in the air much to Yuri's pleasure. It was a perfect scene.

WAS a perfect scene.

Although it was quiet besides the wind howling every now and then, Yuri could hear someone yelling in the distance. It was incoherent as it was far and faint.

Yuri was trying to decipher what they were saying whole at the same time trying to find where the source of it was.

Just then, she saw a dark silhouette of someone. Was it a man? A woman? An entity of some sort? She couldn't figure it out.

Yuri tried to approach them but her feet were glued to the ground. She was stuck in the middle of the flower field with no way to leave.

Panic ensued. Her stomach felt knotted in fear, but she tried not to worry as much as she knew this was all just a dream...Is it? Or is this real? Yuri forgot already which reality was real, this one or the other.

This made her even more scared than she was before. Without remembering the difference between reality and the mindscape, she was starting to question her own existence.

But her thoughts were cut short as the indecipherable screaming got louder and clearer. Yuri turned her head slowly to the mysterious figure.

Huh? They seemed very familiar.. but they were too far away to make out any distinct features.

Yuri squinted her eyes to maybe see better, but it didn't help whatsoever. Ignoring their appearance, she tried to focus clearly on what they were saying.

"..Up...Wake up...WAKE UP!!"


Yuri woke up in a cold sweat yet again. She gasped for air as if she were drowning.

She turned to her clock which read 1:11 a.m. It was weird that she kept waking up at these odd hours, but she didn't too much of it.

What she is supposed to be thinking about at the moment was her dream which was...what was it again?

It was about...flowers? Right? No no, that wasn't it. Wait, why did she even wake up in the first place?


Yuri cursed herself in her head for forgetting a probably crucial dream. It bothered her quite a lot this time for some reason.

'Am I starting to get amnesia or something?? I keep forgetting these dreams I've been having lately which is kinda weird since I ALWAYS remember my dreams..sometimes. Maybe it's just because it's not something I needn't worry about.'

Yuri scratched her head in frustration and tried to go back to sleep the best she could.


Morning came sooner than Yuri had expected. The sun was brighter than usual, or maybe it's just because she was still tired from last night.

*.✧The Most Beautiful Flower*.✧ {Shigeo Kageyama x OC}Where stories live. Discover now