Chapter 7: "Hello! I'm your-" -(1)

978 51 7

"What the-? Shaz?"


Aild stopped on his track when he saw Shaza right in front of him, in the middle of some hallway and not with their young master and lady in the playroom.


"Aren't you supposed to stay with the young masters?" He raised a sceptical eyebrow when he saw her pushing a cart.

'And what's with the cookies and milk??'


"Says you! Why does it take you so long to grab the Young master's books, huh? Don't make him wait!"

The young maid huffed like an angry granny, clearly dissatisfied at her cousin for leaving their dear young master waiting for too long.

It was already a challenge for her to convince the Head Chef to let her prepare some light snacks but here is our dear butler! Strolling about the mansion!


"Unfortunately, all these books were scattered about in this mansion. It did take me a while to find them."

Aild sighed but still had a slight smile that was seen by the still grumpy maid.

'Huff, he must be feeling proud to find all of the books!' The young maid grumbled to herself.


Decidedly, both cousins resumed their way to the playroom. Unpeacefully.

As per routine, Shaza assaulted the now 15 years old butler's ears with her nonstop ramblings while the other paid no mind as he threw non-genuine biting remarks back to her until they finally reached their destination.

As they got nearer to the door, an iffy feeling somehow filled them.

'Why does this feel like déjà vu? Wait, what even is 'déjà vu'??'

Their brows scrunched up into a nervous frown before they heard it.



"...sob- "



The teens ran and kicked the doors open in a matter of seconds.


"Young Master! Young Lady?!"

"I'll protect you My Miss!!"



The dark haired butler saw the little lady jump in shock from the couch and heard the little master let out a (cute) squeak.

The twins stared incredulously at the direction of their attendants. Their eyes and expressions clearly reflected the confusions swirling in their little minds.

Shaza was standing in a fighting stance, with both her hands holding the silver butter knives offensively while Aild held the thickest book he brought above his head as if he was about to bash someone's head open with that thing.

They looked very comical.

On the other hand though, their young masters' reactions and unharmed conditions let the servants exhale deeply.



"Did something happen, Aild? Shaza?"

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