Chapter 11: Of bells, sleep and a game

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It has been three years.

Three years since he regressed back into the past... Since his birth.

Cale had taken his time adapting to the new environment that he is currently living in. Or should he say, re-living in.

For the man who had lived through countless of battles and wars for 20 years non-stop, going back to living an idle life free from threat was not easy but it was definitely something that he wanted.

Although, becoming a baby-toddler was not really ideal as it gave him too much free time to waste on his hand.

It also gave him too much anxiety thinking about the catastrophic future. Yet again, he could not say that he hated his situation now.

"...the pirates were defeated by the Adventuring Couple! No matter the dificulty, they both eventually got their hands on the mystical jewel, the Gem of Living! Then,..."

It felt like everything was a dream. A dream so distant and bizarre, so near and unchanging.

Cale listened to his mother's soothing voice as she read. He took in the sight of his calm mother's curled eyes, curving mouth and pale slender fingers that moved their way to flip the pages of the old storybook.

'Amazing', he thought. His birth mother had always appeared so young and beautiful, just as she was in his last memories of her. As if she was unaffected by time itself.

"Ouh! Ouh! ouh! Clara remember! After they got the jewel, they went on to search for the treasure chambers deep under The Forgotten Sea! And then they met the Keeper, granting him freedom! Later, they got the treasures and live happily ever after! Finish!"

'Aaand... It came, the girl's enthusiastic but poor retelling, smoothly ruining the calm mood for the bedtime story. Haahh...'


Cale turned to his right, unimpressed at his older brother's slow and short claps. Cale figured the boy was just trying to fill in the silence that dropped after his Noona's creative retelling... Or maybe he just wanted to spite his twin? Who knows.

"Ahem- Yes! That's right, Clara! You have such a good memory. Mommy's only read this to you once right?"

Their mother still praised the proud girl although with a bit of awkwardness. Countless interactions had proven to Cale that this girl actually loves praises, especially from their parents and eldest brother.

He had heard about the things that his mother and brother had secretly talked about. He'd been shocked, obviously. Yet, as he continued to observe and see more of this supposedly-not-biological and not-human sister of his, he could not help but see a curious and sweet little girl, trying her best to catch some attention and love.

"Noona ish gweat!"

Ignoring his own lisp, a smug smile emerged on his now a-little-less chubby cheeks when he saw the girl's sparkling eyes and the creeping red on her ears after hearing his words. Of course, she also loves being admired by her little brother. Cale find that reaction to be so dang cute!

'She's just like Basen and Lily when they were young. But... unlike her proud expression, they all had a fearful look when I pushed them away. Haah... I really am a trashy brot-'

Pat- pat- Pat-!

Cale's reddish brown eyes trailed up to see his hyung looking at their mother, his soft slender hand patting at Cale's head gently. The headpats were really soothing and Cale's previous thoughts immediately vanished. Basking in the comfort, he heard the boy's reminder.

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