Chapter 8: "Hello! I'm your-" -(2)

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'What is going on?' 

A wrinkle appeared on his smooth forehead.

He thought he had regressed into the past? No, he definitely did, but what is this? Who are these strange kids claiming to be his hyung and noona all of a sudden?


"Uwuw~ I've never met another baby before! Our dongsaeng-ie is so cute!"

There was this girl with a cheerful voice who claimed to be his ‘noona’.

"He is. Will he grow and have a similar face as ours?"

Then there was this boy with a mildly interested tone who claimed to be his ‘hyung’.

"Obviously, Oppa! He'll definitely look similar since we're already identical!"

Why is she so excited about their resemblance?

"Sigh... We're identical but not by birth, Sis."

And why is he talking in such a weird way??

"Same difference!"



'Aarh! Just who are you?! And don't hover over me!'


"Aww, look at him glaring at us."

As he listened to the girl's words, he saw the taller boy shooting a glance at him before commenting,

"It seems that lil' baby here doesn't want us hovering over his face. Let's go sit and wait for Mom first." 

"Oh, alright..." 

Obeying the boy's words, the girl dejectedly dropped her head and strode to the nearby couch. It looked like she was sad to be apart from him so quickly.

Yet his mind didn't focus too much on that. Instead...

'He can understand me?'

The baby stared at the boy's retreating back weirdly. 

This is odd. He had actually regressed back to the point of his birth, whether he believed it or not. Realising that fact again, he frowned in confusion for the tenth time since he regained consciousness.

'I thought the God of Death said I'll return to the moment right before I met Choi Han?'

He certainly did not expect to be sent this far back into the past when originally he was supposed to go back to the moment before his encounter with that vagabond of a punk.

He was bewildered, yet there was no one to answer his questions. At least not for now, he hoped.


It has been a few days since his birth and he was already overwhelmed by the amount of differences. Or is it not different?

Did those two kids actually exist before and just disappeared one day or did they not? God, the amount of theories running through his little brain right now...


The 40 year old regressor, Cale Henituse, finally accepted his fate. (why does it sound like he accepted his death?? Oh, but he technically did die right? Anyway–)


It did take him a while to actually believe that he was back—ㅤㅤㅤ


"I wonder if Cale will like cream puffs more than cookies?"

"Baby Cale! Noona is going to ask Shaza to knit a teddy for you!"

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