Chapter 2

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Hannah was a pain in the ass sometimes and right now, she is being one.Don't get me wrong i love my bestfriend but when she kept on pastering me on dating she made me loose it.Ever since she came to the office and happened to cross paths with Mr.Holand, she has never stopped telling me how i should stop being a loser and jump his bones, her words not mine.

"Come on Pagie, how cant you want to do the dirty dirty with him, he is hotttttttt, " she had said with a dreamy smile on her face as she talked.And right now she was doing the same thing.From my office,  i could imagine her smile as she mentioned my boss's name and describe him like he was some greekgod.Well not that he didn't look like one but still..

"All I'm saying is that you should just take the risk, i know you like him, soo stop being stubborn and tell him." She said and i almost fainted.
"You want me to hit on my boss?Have you lost it, " i whispered yelled .
"No,  I'm perfectly sane, I'm not the one who is scared of.." She stopped her eyes wide with shock. I turned to look at what she was staring at only my eyes to widen as i saw my boss standing on my door and stood immediately.

"Miss Hansie, in my office, now!" He said harshly taking me by surprise.He was never harsh with me ever but somehow today he was having a bad day or he was going through a heartbreak and it seems it was doing a number on him, poor thing.
"I don't think i pay you to stay around in your office gossiping miss Hansie, do i?"
His eyes were cold like i had done something wrong but what beats is that he never had a problem with it before.
"Sorry sir, won't happen again, " i said through gritted teeth.
What was wrong with me talking to Han today,  i mean we were just having the same conversation we had whenever it involved him, he didn't have to be so rude about it if he didn't like it.

I got out of his office saying nothing to him after that,  so much for building up courage to tell him how i felt but guess we got to do this his way, if he wanted to be rude so be it.I walked in my office to a worried Hannah still in the same spot i left her.

I threw myself down on the soffa in the corner of my office.
"You know what, I'm gonna make him want me so bad, he will regret ever meeting me." I said to nobody in particuler staring at the sealing.
"Now that's my girl, but wait what did he say to make you change your mind at 'no i don't wanna be seen around hitting on my boss shit?'".

I told her all about it and she just laughed as if it was that funny and switched to her fashion mode telling about multiples of things we would do.Thank God the weekend was here and i had to bear seeing him for afew hours before i gave him a test of him own medicine the following week.

I had swore to myself years back that i would never again let a man drive to the edge of wanting to hate myself.Back then i was so naive, stupid and blinding 'inlove'to realize i was just another playtoy to him.I really hated myself for leaving but then again it wasn't like he felt the same way towords me.

After him, i never wanted anything to do with men atleast that's what i wanted to believe but this idiot of a boss of mine changed all that. All of a sudden i wanted to look good so he could notice me, I started taking my time dressing up before work for him.I didn't Change my woredrobe but that was about to change because for once in my life, i wanted to atleast try to fight for something i wanted.i really liked him alot and i was willing to take the risk and see how it goes.

My weekend was exhausting, i used to enjoy shopping and all but this was so tiring i just wanted to crawl in bed a sleep until monday but no my best friend had to tell me we had a makeover session on Sunday and make she said makeover that involved the scrubbing and all shit she liked doing and i had to put up with it cause i needed this to work.

I literaly spent the whole day playing makeover with Hannah i had to admit i looked good, for a long time i had forgotten how beautiful i was, i was tiring of hiding it was about time i tried a chance at being happy for once, i know it will hurt at somepoint with the heartbreaks and all but i think if he hadn't brought a woman in his office expect the ones who threw themselves at him only to be thrown out, then he was free as a bird but first i had to make him come after me not the other way round for now.

I  woke up feeling confident, i was all ready for this and i had a perfect plan to get him to see me as soon as i got to work.I took my time getting ready, putting just enough makeup  for my eyes to pop out and to complete the make up. I put on my heels and walked to my full length mirror and gusped at myself,  i looked so hot i could totally date myself.

Satisfied with what i came up with, i got my keys and drove to work.I walked in the building my head held high and got into the elavator, i was dreading what he would do since i was late but didn't care much as long as i get the reaction i want from him.

The first thing i did is check on the voice mails and as i had expected.I walked to his office and stopped at the door feeling a little nervous about all this,  what if he didn't notice, what if he didn't care?I pushed the thoughts behind and knocked before slowly letting myself in.I deliberately knocked a chair on my way to his desk to get him yo look at me and boy, the surprise on his face the moment he laid his eyes on me was enough for me to know i got him.Good job Page, i smiled to myself internally.

"Mi...mis..",  he cleared his throat and tried to compose himself." Miss Hansie...why are you late?"he managed to ask.

That's it guys another chapter down.i have been lazy lately but will try my best to wrote as frequently as i can.
So don't forget to drop a star , and tell me what you think of this chapter 😉

Enjoy your reading;)
If you enjoyed this chapter then in certain you will love the next one, stay tuned my dearests i got you😊

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