Chapter 12-part 1

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These chapters haven't been re-written or edited,It's simply a fraction of my imagination



Jennifer's P.O.V


-WE all joined in for a group hug,I was one of them.



I was filled with joy and happiness and I felt as if I finally belonged somewhere.I actually fit in,I thought to myself. Alica congratulated me and said as a present we would go shopping. I sat down on the over sized couch watching Caleb flick through endless commercials. 'Cant you decide what you want to watch?' I half-yelled irritated at him.He continued skipping through dozens of shows before he stopped. A horror movie was on and I decided to watch. Caleb stared at it with a blank expression before speaking. 'They cant even get these movies right' he said. I gave him a questioning look and he stood up. 'Firstly demons do not have to be small dark creatures that live in the shadows, I mean c'mon look at me.I'm living proof of how stunning we actually are.' I almost gagged at him. 'Uh Caleb,as I remember you don't always look like that.And yes we all know your big secret!' He cocked his head side ways telling me to explain.'We all know you use teeth whitening strips,and obviously condition your hair.We've all seen you in rollers.' Caleb yelled saying he's hair was naturally that luscious and mumbled about how perfect he was. I burst out in laughter,hysterically rolling around on the floor. Thamus walked in and brought Jarred along. Jarred was one of Caleb's other close friends. He was tall and not very muscular.He had shaggy blond hair that fell over his eyes. 'So where's the princess' Thamus asked. 'Oh Alica went out' before I could finish Jarred cut in telling me they meant Caleb. We all started laughing at each other before Caleb came trudging down from the stairs. 'Morning sleeping beauty,the love of my life' Thamus said to Caleb as he went over pretending to serenade at him. Caleb flicked him off proceeding to make some coffee. 'Well aren't we getting any?' I asked Jarred jumped up walking over to our kitchen cupboard.He started taking out ingredients and pots and things.I looked at Caleb and Thamus dumbfounded. 'Jarred has a feminine side.' Caleb answered. Jarred shouted from accross the room stating that he was a brilliant cook. Millions of mouth-watering aromas filled he air. I was practically drooling all over the floor when Jarred came and set down a plate with the most delicious-looking food ever. We all sat down around the small coffee table.'Lets say grace' Jarred said. 'We dont do that you but head' Thamus said. I couldn't care less,I was so hungry all my manners and politeness had disappeared. I took my plate and started placing heaps full of food on the table. I savagely ate the food,taking huge bites and stuffing it in my mouth. 'Mm,so good' I said in between bites. Jarred and Caleb looked at me in disgust while Thamus sat next to me mi-miking my actions and claiming a eating contest. In the end I lost but Thamus said that I was a very challenging opponent. Suddenly Alica stormed in. 'Jenny what are you doing?' Alica stared in disbelief. 'I was hungry.' I said trying to defend myself. 'That's no excuse,look at yourself all covered in stains.' she said as she started cleaning up. 'You spend way too much time with Caleb and the boys.' Caleb stood up and started arguing.'Hey it's not my fault she acts this way,I am the perfect example of grace nd poise' he said. 'Yeah that's 'coz your Cinderella.' Jarred shouted out. Alica led me upstairs to he bedroom. Sitting on the bed was a small petite woman. Her long Rapunzel-gold hair was put up in a neat bun. She had a straight black dress on with needles and pins stuck in her golden bag. Alica placed me on a small stool while the woman walked around me examining me. She whispered words at Alica that I couldn't use. She pointed at my legs making me feel self-conscious. I always hated my legs.I wasn't very tall so I had fat legs,well at least that's what I thought. The woman walked over to me with a measuring tape. Suddenly I felt guilty eating all that food. She measured every inch of me and I tried sucking in my tummy and hiding all those unnecessary bumps. She walked to the bed taking out a little notepad and started sketching. She handed Alica the notepad and Alica shook her head pointing at my hair and face. She took the pen and started sketching again. Alica's smile increased by 10 and she hugged the woman. The woman gave me a nod and Alica helped me off the stool. The lady made her way out of the room and I turned to Alica.


I was told we were having a masquerade ball. Many preparations were made for it. Every second day the petite woman came over to check on me and measure. The castle was heavily decorated in crimson and black. The garden was the most beautiful. It was made into the location where we would dance. Blood red roses filled the gardens followed by white tulips and other flowers. Small mid-evil like lanterns were placed along the paths lightening it up. Alica brought a bag with my dress in. When she opened it up it was the most beautiful thing I ever laid my eyes on. It was a vintage inspired dress. The top half was corset like and very fitting.The back was totally open except for a thin layer of black lace covering it. The skirt part was just as beautiful. It was a deep almost black purple with  the same black lace covering the top half. The bottom was covered in tiny purple jewels. Alica did my hair and makeup. My hair was curled and clipped  behind with little strands surrounding my face. With my makeup it was quite simple, Black smokey eyes and that very deep purple colour on my lips. I wasn't quite sure of that but when I looked in the mirror I was mesmerised with my beautiful appearance. I slipped on a black choker around my neck with a black rose in the center. Alica helped me into my dress and I felt awesome. I refused to wear those 10-inch hooker heels as I called them so instead I put on a pair of black converse that was muddy and old,my dress covered my shoes so it didn't really matter. When I was done I noticed Alica was all dressed and done. She had a simple yet beautiful dress on. It was straight and a light pink that matched her bright eyes. She opened the door and took me to the Garden/ball room.I waited there until Caleb appeared. He wore a dark black suite with his hair smoothed back with just the front falling forward. I looked at his hair questioningly and he simply replied that Alica made him do it. We walked together to the entrance as one of the guards announced our arrival. I felt my chest close up as I heard the rising of many people. The curtains were pulled away as I saw hundreds of people stare.


Whoo Cliffhanger LOL

Tht's all for chapter 12 part 1

I will try and upload the next part soon.Vote and Comment

xoxo Syrup

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