Chapter 13

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Jennifers P.O.V

I woke up the following morning.My back hurt like hell as I remembered falling asleep on that hard bench. Than I realised something or rather someone was missing.Caleb! I grumpily walked into the house in search of him. Aha! Just as I thought unlike prince Charming who would pick me up and take me inside when I fell asleep, he left me there! I was so angry. He just layed there cuddled under the nice, soft warm sheets. I decided to skip revenge...for now. I crawled under the covers and drifted off to a much comfier sleep. At one in the afternoon I decided I had gotten enough sleep. I got up and made my way to the kitchen in search of my prank victim (Caleb). There he was sitting on the couch with a brooding expression. I sat down next to him waiting for a greeting. About ten minutes went by and I still haven't gotten a reaction from him. I jumped infront of the t.v, burped in his face, messed his hair up aNd still I got nothing. I went back upstairs,took a shower and got dressed. Once again I made my way downstairs. The weather was all closed up and dark. The doorbell rang and I reluctantly went to get the door. I need some company since Alica decided to spend the week with Thamus, leaving poor me alone with the sour prune known as Caleb. I opened the door revealing a tall slender man. He had smouldering eyes and dashing good looks. He was a bit too old and gay looking for my liking though. He greeted me asking for Caleb. I informed him of Caleb's absence but invited him in. We had tonnes of fun and I found out his name was Vlad. We played twister and everything. Just than Caleb walked in,his usual un-friendly expression sprawled accross his face. He eyed Vlad and made his way over. He grabbed me by the arm pulling me to his side. Vlad greeted him and Caleb remained quite. Later that night I kinda got the impression that Caleb didn't really like Vlad.Than again,he doesn't like anyone!

I invited Vlad to stay with us for dinner. We sat at the table and everyone just remained quiet eyeing my cooking. I dished some of my Home-made Chicken and noodles and tucked in,Vlad followed me and did the same.  It was then that Caleb spoke up. 'What is that, you surely cannot expect me to eat that!' he said while making disgusted faces. Just than Alica stepped in sat down next to Caleb and basically forced him to eat. It carried on like this until Vlad made an announcement. He announced that he had bought tickets for all of us to attend one of my favourite bands- TOKIO HOTEL! I screamed with excitement picturing myself drool all over the lead singer and his brother. I went to sleep that night thinking about the concert. When I awoke I was ready to take on the day,I got dressed ate and than it was off to the concert. We got in the car, Caleb driving me in the front seat and Vlad and Alica in the back. Caleb drove slowly down the endless road not speaking a word. I got so frustrated so I turned on the radio. Just than one of my most favourite songs started playing and I turned up the volume singing. 'Here we goooo....Come with me,there's a world out theeere' Caleb turned off the stereo and told me I sounded like an injured walrus. Nevertheless I still sang quietly to myself until we got there. The concert started and it was utterly breath taking I sung along to all the songs, grabbing Caleb and making him sing with. He started enjoying i and we all swooned like fan girls when the guitarist winked our way. When the concert finished we made our way out and saw something.It was Vlad trying to chat up the lead singer! I ran up to Vlad smacking him, how dare he. The singer was clearly not gay or even interested.Well I guess that's why Caleb never liked Vlad,he probably tried flirting with him too.


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xoxo Syrup

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