wings of a monster........chapter2

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  • Dedicated to Helené Briesies

Wings of a monster.....


For all my budies Fayruz , Kaylin n Carrin , Haylene n Zaida.,Helene....and all the others yum yum n kami n all LOVE U

I woke up to see my best buddy Evelyn or as I like to call her "Evie". She practically jumped on me and gave me a huge hug. She told me that I passed out an hour ago in Home Eco. class , and that they had to take me home. After telling Evie about ten times I was ok she finally left. When she was down the street and out of sight I walked to the bathroom to cool off my face. I probably jumped out of my own skin when i noticed under my cozy sweater I had two tiny wings, like literally real wings that were growing out of my back. I was so shocked and wanted answers immediately. Out of nowhere this tall lean guy appears next to me, grabs my hand and the next thing I know i'm in another world or dimension.

Silence.......Silence.....Thats the only thing I heard beside the random whooshiing of wind. When I felt It was safe to open my eyes,I found my eyes searching...Where was the tall dude? NO..more importantly where was I!!!??? I searched my suroundings and noticed what looked like some sick, twisted old helloween inspired city or area. I was sitting in the middle of a street, everything was dark. I was surrounded by nothing. Strange enough this whole setting had some dark but beautiful gothic like feel. I decided to explore even though there wasn't much to look for. I came across some old, creepy, vintage looking mansion or maybe castle. I didn't know why but found myself attracted to the old building. I knocked and surely enough the big dusty old door opened, I called but no one answered "strange" I said to myself. Out of nowhere again the tall lean guy appears. "gosh you have got to stop doing that" I yelled. He never answerd, just stood there looking at me, and said Hi im Caleb. I started to feel self-concious about my appearance so I turned around. When I decided to face him and demand answers he was gone. "So that's it huh". Im trapped in another dimension, alone or maybe not and no way home.."Well on the bright wait there is no bright side, I forgot this whole place is dark"!!!!!!

Caleb's point of view.

"Wow", I thought as I dissapeared from my palace. "I never should have done that!!!"..It's too late, she knows too much and soon enough she would have to face the consequences of becoming either a angel of peace or one that I am the fallens...

Jennifer's Point of view

"Caleb"!!!!! I called as I cautionly shuffled up the almost broken down stairs. "Wow this place is huge", "come on Caleb this is like what the fourth floor, and not the top only the underground part!!" I shouted sheepishly at the walls irritable. "Who has four floors down!??oh yeah the creep who kidnapped me and won't face me and answer my questions". I reached what looked like a cellar, ok Jennifer don't enter I thought to myself but obviously my curiosity got the better of me and I entered. I searched for a light switch but found a candle, c'mon not even my gran uses this I thought. I lit it and saw I was in a huge bedroom. My body gave in and I wallked over to the oversized bed and got under the satin black covers. "Caleb or whoever you are I'll deal with you in the morning......if it ever comes"

So that's all for chapter two. PLease vote, comment help or anything. Sorry for the spelling guys!!!! hope you enjoyed I will be uploading more maybe this week if I get votes and comments or the next week.


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