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Chapter 12-part2

Jennifers P.O.V

The curtain was pulled away and it revealed hundreds of people staring at Caleb and I. I was scared and wanted to turn around,he gave me a reasuring look and squeezed my hand.We walked down the long garden path with people bowing and applauding.At the very end was a Throne and another chair next to it.Caleb greeted everyone and at his side Thamus and Jarred appeared.To his left stood a tall creepy-looking man.Was that his father?He never really mentioned the whereabouts of his parents.The man resembled him quite allot.He had Calebs dark hair but his was short and neatly brushed.His face showed signs of age but he still looked quite handsome.Caleb looked at the man as he approached.The man bent slightly forward,no sign of emotion on his face. The man looked my way and than led Caleb away. Thamus and Jarred scurried to my sides.'whats that all about?' I asked as music started playing and people started eating."Well..." Jarred hesitated as if thinking what to say. Thamus burst in."That's Caleb's older brother."I was shocked,how many more unknown siblings did he have that he was keeping a secret.Jarred looked back and answered Cooley."The reason he doesn't mention him is because He and Caleb don't really see eye to eye.You see Raphael is centuries older than Caleb and was supposed to be the heir to the throne.Instead Caleb's parents left Caleb to be king,there has been much commotion over this for over 200 years." I looked at him."But I thought Caleb doesn't want to be king,why doesn't he just give his brother the crown?" Jarred sighed obviously irritated by my lack of knowledge."He cant do that,the dark council has very strict rules that even him as future king must abide by."So Caleb and his brother have been torn apart because of stupid rules,how sad I thought.Just than a trumpet was blown signaling the dance.Caleb appeared by my side.He held out his hand and I guessed I should just take it. To be honest I used to be a pretty awesome dancer.Right now I suck. I straightened up my posture and took his hand.My dress was really heavy to move and and I struggled balancing myself. Caleb was really tall and since I had flats on it was impossible to reach up. He laughed when he saw what shoes I was wearing.He lift me up and made me stand on his feet.I laughed at this and he replied."Don't worry about your huge bear feet squash mine" I gave him a evil look an hopped on his toes,just than the music started playing and we were twirling in circles.I was having so much fun I forgot I was gripping on to him for my life.He looked truely happy for a moment but as soon as he smiled he switched back to his annoying cocky smirk. The music stopped but we didn't stop dancing. The people formed a circle around us watching us glide aound the dance floor. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar face standing in the crowd.He smirked when he noticed I was looking at him.Anitor,what was he doing here. Whenever he was around I felt uneasy and vulnerable,like he would hurt me.We stopped dancing and Caleb turned to see who I was staring at. "What's the matter?" he asked."Oh nothing,just saw Alica,she asked me to meet her." I said hoping he couldn't see through my lie.He studied my face for a minute and than replied "Don't be too long...we have cake and you should try some." I walked away and he pulled me into a hug. Baffled by this I replied "ok" and walked off into the garden in search of Anitor. As I went deeper into the garden I noticed no-one was around anymore. I saw a bench and went to sit down for a while. A dark figure appeared and I looked around for a potential weapon. The figure came closer until I could make out his features.As if my prediction came true it was Anitor. He was all dressed up in a pants and shirt,his tie hanging lazily around his neck. For the first time I actually looked at him. He didn't look bad at all with his strange almost silver-blue hair and grey eyes. He sat down next to me and I moved away. "What do you want Anitor?" I asked putting on the most bravest face I had,but it didn't work even a blind person could see the fear on my face. He shuffled closer,draping his hand around my shoulder. As if he had a disease I imagined my arm rotting away."Jenny...lets not be so hasty.Lets enjoy this beautiful night." he said staring off into the distance. "Why are you here.If Caleb finds out you'll be in so much trouble." He sighed looking down."My master will not be pleased with this but...I'll let you go for now.Just remember we are always watching young one, dont try to run or hide" He looked at me and spoke again."Caleb can try all he wants but we'll get to you...soon enough." He took my hand and I pushed him away. A thick gray mist appears and when I turn around Anitor was gone. I started making my way back to the garden. A big black bird was constantly following me,I began to get worried so I ran back. I tripped and the bird sat on my leg.I shooed him away and he scratched my leg. When I was in sight of the crowd Thamus appeared helping me up. "What happened jenny." he asked noticing my disstressed look and scar on my leg. I covered it up and told him I fell which was partly true. I saw Caleb and went to sit next to him. He looked at me and said "I kept some cake for you" he handed me a plate with the most delicious looking cake in the world. But at the moment I couldn't eat anything.Everything made me sick and reminded me of Anitors harsh and creepy words. I looked at the cake and shook my head insisting I was stuffed and Alica would kill me if I stained the dress.

We sat in silence gazing up at the stars as I thought about my future and what would happen to me.


End of chapter 12 =D

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