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wings of a monster chapter 10

I've been really delayed and behind lately thanx to my budz d. browniez!!!

this chapter willfocus mainly on jenny..


Jennifers P.O.V

I woke up. Somehow I was depressed and angry that the dream I had was  just a dream. I liked that feel of power, the way people stared at me with fear in their eyes. Most of all the way I stood next to Caleb...I could tell it was just a dream. I don't know what's up, I like this feeling of evil. As I continued I noticed I began walking. It was like my legs had a mind of their own. I noticed a women in her mid thirties sitting alone. It was still dark and Caleb and Alica was still fast asleep. I took my chances. I walked over to the woman and greeted her, she explained how she had gotten lost and had nowhere to go. A smirk appeared on my face. I told her to follow me and that I could help. I led her down to a lake. She looked around confused. I walked over to her. Stroking her cheek reassuring her everything would be fine. She began walking away but I was faster. I grabbed her arms and threw her against a tree. She hit her head hard and fell unconcious. I lunged for her throat and slowly tore it apart. I really didn't think I was into the whole blood thing after all I wasn't some sparkly vampire chick now was I.....I began doing something very unusual. It felt like I was sucking all her life away. I layed across her and took her last breath away sucking it in. After that I felt quite weird BUT PLEASD WITH MY NEW ACCOMPLISHMENT. I washed myself and the blood off me. Suddenly some guy appears out of nowhere. I suddenly feel an excruciating pain in my chest. "You did this to me didn't you!"...


I walked over to my prize...I am so Good,She yelled at me but I quickly silenced her."Tsk,tsk,tsk...Seems like Caleb just can't tame you now can he." She scowled at me. "You did this to me,You did this didn't you!". I laughed. Ofcoarse I did. And if so much as a word of this goes to that prince of yours you will be silenced! "Till we meet again..Young one"


thts all for now xoxox vote please

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