wings of a monster........chapter5

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I woke up feeling dizzy and confused I searched my surroundings and found myself in a hospital like place. I looked up and saw a sign saying NIGHT HOSPITAL-UNDERWORLD. I felt sick and wanted to cry ,as soon as I turned around I saw Alica and Caleb right next to me. Relief washed over me, it was good to know I wasn't alone or maybe it was just the fact that he was there... I shook my head in dissaproval no, he kiddnapped me, he's a jerk and he's sooooo hot!! NO!!!! I mean his a stupid douche!!!yeah that's it. I turned to face him and he smiled god i just melted there and then..(day dreaming). Something woke me out of my crazy thoughts. It was Alica, I noticed that I wasn't really listening. She handed me a glass of white liquid. I stared at it and she encouraged me to drink. I sipped it down and it tasted absolutely horrible. She walked out and Caleb walked over and sat on the bed...GREAT HERE COMES THE BUTTERFLIES


I walked over to her and she pretended to be busy with something else. Well i might as well use this oppertunity to my advantage. I sat down on her bed smiling. "Hi" she said in a barely there voice. "Hello Jennifer how are you feeling". "Fine" she replied. "Well you look even more better than fine, even gorgeous i might add", I said with a smirk. "Caleb why do you do this to me?" she asked. "Well when I do, it makes you all nervous and flushed....and I like that reaction". "I knew it!!!why do you have to be such a jerk". "But I mean it, you look good the wings suit you, when we get home you should take a look".


Did Caleb say wings?!!!!... 

When we got back to the mansion I ran straight to the bedroom, searching for a mirror but then I remembered that for some reason Caleb doesn't keep any mirror's in his house..I wonder why. I ran straight to him having to stand on the tip of my toes so that I could try and reach his face. "Caleb.." I said in a sweet innocent voice." "What Jennifer". "I need a mirror"...." Fine okay I know your not going to stop bugging me so I'll take you out to the underworl mall". "You have mall!!!" "Eeeeep". "Just get your coat he said". We got into the car and for the first time we drove away together from his mansion. Now I could really see my surroundings the whole place really looked like one would imagine a underworld to look like. He explained that there's two sides to the underworld. The light side and the dark. He lived in the dark side and apparently the dark side made up 70% of the underworld so now and then you'd see a light angel or fairy dwelling around in the dark. We stopped at a huge area with tons of buildings."We're here". He said. I grabbed his hand and started running toward s the first store I saw. "Caleb it seems that my clothes don't fit in here and...uhm.. I need some new underwear. "Okay..yeah..uhm here take this, I'll just supervise next to you". I ran in and saw all sorts of clothes most of it looked punk. I dragged Caleb with me and started picking out all sorts of clothes. I picked out several jeans including skinny jeans in every colour including a black pair that had cuts and chains in..I loved it, then I picked out a cute purple mini and matching top. I also saw two really cute party dresses that were so hot. I went into a dressing room and Caleb slumped down in one of the chairs. He watched as I fit on and came out striking a pose in every outfit. I finally I came out in the black lil party dress and all eyes were on me. Caleb marched over trying to cover my bare legs."No. your not buying that" he said. "Why!!!! I want it" "No your way to exposed.


I watched Jennifer run over to the till obviously satissfeid with her victory. I can't believe I fell for that. Well im a guy what can I say. After shopping for hours with Jennifer we walked into a little park. I fell down on the gras exhausted as Jennifer hopped around excitedly. I pulled her down next to me and tried to ignore her excited chirps of joy. Suddenly my sun was blocked and I looked up to see my friends all staring at Jennifer and I. "YOYO C, whats up" one of them said."Wow C who's the lady friend" "Uhm Jennifer this is my friends Alex, Leonard, thamus and Jarred."Guys this friend Jennifer" The guys and I caught up on news and they got to know Jennifer well mainly flirted but she never turned away from looking at me.hhm I told them I had to go and Jennifer was tired, as we walked back to the car I bumped into something or someone.....ANITOR ANIEL...GRRR... WHY HIM NOW

That's all for chapter5 ooh who do you think this guy is...mmmm better read and find out VOTE COMMENT N FAN ME


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