wings of a monster 9

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Jennifers P.O.V

Caleb and I kept walking back. Silence was all around us. Neither of us spoke, just kept our eyes on the pathway. We walked and came to a halt. It was either a dingy forest or the walkway through town. Caleb walked through the forest and I ran after. "Caleb why are we taking the creepy forest part, did I miss something? Or does the word kill me stand boldly on my forehead?". He sighed turning around. "NO.This is a shortcut. I am not afraid of danger after all I am what you can call Immortal. As for you...You just stay out of trouble OK." I made a snobby face and mimicked what he said. After a while I got bored and heard a voice. "Hey you Lil gal" I looked around it wasn't Caleb? "No it's your conscience silly".I started to feel weird but reluctantly replied. "My conscience...Oh hey how are you?". I waited a while and it replied. "Oh yeah I'm great just fine thanks." I continued my conversation with myself when I noticed Caleb staring at me with a look of concern on his face. "Jennifer who are you talking to?"


Calebs P.O.V

I burst into laughter noticing Jenny having a conversation with herself. She looked phsyco standing there talking to thin air. When I asked who she was talking to she glared at me and turned around walking the opposite way screaming "Fire in the hole!" I ran after her but she just ran faster screaming and laughing. When I pulled her by the arm she shouted "Stay back fiend". I noticed her lips were purple and realised she must of eaten poison berries. No wonder she's acting like a lunatic. During the rest of our walk through the forest she kept jumping on tree's evens saying she's an owl. One time her head even went right round like an owl and I was beginning to get worried.


Jennifer's P.O.V

Days past by even months....I never noticed how attached I actually got to this fantasy of mine. Reality had jumped up and smacked me in the face....What am I doing...Believing in demons and angels. All this is just a phase you grow out of when you're a child. When you're a little todler having an imaginary friend it's just cute. But as I grew older I noticed the concerned faces plastered on my parent faces. My parents....what would they think of me. I could never go back home now. If I simply uttered a word of this to anyone I would be put in a mental institution...I wonder what my parents must be thinking.Oh their poor daughter.I wonder If they even miss me. My face must be attached to some old milk carton and poster hanging up on some lonely wall for missing persons.This is depressing to think all that has changed in my life.As I continued thinking I noticed I was skipping rocks across a still lake.I turned to look at Caleb one thought came to mind and that was revulsion.He was apart of this,he ruined me...But than I see the depression on his face.The worries of having to be king and ruling.He doesn't exactly have it good.I stood up and took his hand. We continued walking down the forest hand in hand.I was so busy thinking about all the negative things in my life I barely noticed the facts that were right in front of my face.Caleb....Alica.They could have left me to die or killed me long ago but instead they befriended me.We stopped in the middle of a clearing.....The surroundings were so beautiful.Flowers and ferns draping everywhere.Without a word Caleb set up a tent and I knew we had to camp there.I don't remember anything about going to sleep but that night I had a dream. A dream like no other.I stood beside Caleb tall and proud.Atop my head sat a beautiful jewel crown.Embellished with jewels out of this world.I looked astounding.God like.I was dressed in the finest gown anyone could ask for,my beauty exceeded anyone Else's.My eyes were piercing red and my face stern and serious.As a man bowed down before me I gave him no mercy..he was executed at my feet.And I had no emotion or feeling..............

I woke up realising it was only a dream but when I looked at my reflection in the pond behind me I saw the same man that was excecuted in my dream...I turned aroun but noone was there..What could this mean?


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xoxoxoxo Syrup

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