wings of a monster chapter8

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wings of a monster.......chapter8

Inspired by my wacky friends in 8c....

Mystery Guy's point of view...

Hmmm It seems the two of them are growing closer...The bond might soon be unbreakable.....This isn't working Anitor. If she ends up with him all in hell will break out literally. It is my job to fix this and to eliminate the prince of darkness..Anitor you will send out an army and bring me the heart of this child. She is a danger to our people. Her true power cannot be revealed..she is a abomination.......

Anitor's point of view...

"Yes master". I shall take care of our little problem. I will fool her and trick her denying her the truth for she shall fall for me and leave that little 'demon' of a prince. Soon she will be on the side of light ready to defend us.

Jennifer's point of view...

I woke up feeling extremely tired but remembered something. I ran up to my calender checking the date. Today was it my 19th birthday!! Although I wouldn't be able to see Evie or my family I might as well try to make the best of it. I ran downstairs expecting a 'Happy Jenny' but when I came down it was dark and no-one was around. I flipped the light switch and it didn't work. I even looked for the candles that are usually mounted to the wall, but didn't find any. Out of nowhere two hands grab me and start carrying me out. I scream but hear no-one answer than they open my eyes and what I see in front of me was utterly breath taking. Caleb had a party hat and confetti in his hand and was dressed like he was going swimming. Alica was also wearing a swimsuit and had a large bottle of I don't know what in her hands. I looked confused and then saw a lake. I cautiously moved away but they came running full speed at me and threw me in the lake. The water was freezing cold and pitch black. I was so cold my wings started coming out and Alica laughed. I noticed Caleb's wings weren't coming out. In fact I never saw his wings before I mean he is a fallen.....right. Then Alica stepped out and started cutting up some black looking cake and handed Caleb and I a piece. It was strangely tasty and I demanded more. I practically finished the whole thing myself. After a while Alica came back and handed me a gift, I opened it and it was a Locket. It was crescent shaped and when I opened it my name was engraved in the inside and next to it was something written in latin. Caleb gave me a small box and when I opened it I found a i-pod. On it was some bands like Mute math and The Black ghosts, I found some evenescence too. I smiled brightly and gave Alica a hug and just punched Caleb in the arm awkwardly. The day flew by and I went to bed with a permanent smile.

Caleb's point of view...

I think Alica and I did a pretty good job today. Jenny was filled with happiness and beamed at everyone. Well it's the least I could do after stealing her life and claiming her soul. Just than I heard a knock. Out of nowhere one of my allies appear. "Amon, how long has it been?" He stepped in and shook my hand. "Zepar, how good to see you my lord." "Please Amon don't call me that you know it is not suitable for me." "Oh I see Lord Valefor, but indeed you do live up to it."He floated over to my side bowing. "Enough of this Amon, why are you addressing me so formally." I aked. "My lord sooner or later we all will have to fall before you......The war it is coming and all hell will brake loose.You need to come with me to the gates of the underworld/hell." "Amon did you not seal the gates between the underworld and heavan?"

"Yes I have but something out there is coming and Lord Valefor you will have to stop it." "Enough with this Amon be gone before I banish you to a world of eternal pain. Leave now before I change my mind!"

Alica's point of view...

I stepped in to Caleb's library. When I looked at him he was blazing with anger. His eyes were coal black and he started to have long dagger like claws. He was absolutely enraged. "Caleb what's up?. He stared at me for a while. "Get packing and call Jennifer, were going on a road trip.."


Jennifer's point of view

Alica got me packing up all my things. We were on our way to a place.... We were travelling for what felt like forever until we arrived. We arrived at the gates to the underworld. Most feared place ever. It was all dark and scary and seemed like a nightmare. Caleb and Alica walked proudly through the streets. Everywhere I looked I saw ghost's, tombs, demons everything you would expect to see on Halloween except this wasn't Halloween...This was real.

We checked into a mansion. It looked just like the one we had back at the palace. I met some of the staff there. They all eyed me suspiciously and Alica warned me to keep close. To break the tension we decided to go out for the night. Caleb and Alica knew this place like the back of their hands. I was a little scared. Something about this place was creepy. We arrived at one of the clubs. We headed straight for the dance floor and started dancing. I took a brake from dancing and went to look for a bathroom. This scary looking figure appeared in front of me. "Lost are we....?" He pured like a cat. I just turned around and started walking. He hit me in the face and I started screaming punching him and then I fainted...Consumed by darkness..

I woke up in a dark alley. I was startled to see no-one around. I started walking around asking for directions. But everyone or monster looked at me like I was speaking a language they didn't understand. This lady offered to help me and I followed her out of the shadows Caleb appears. "Jennifer where have you been!!!!It's been three days and you've been gone!!!" I was so relieved. "I was lost..and this guy hit me...and then..this nice lady" He looked at the lady. "This is no lady this is a witch!" she looked startled at him."Your highness..what a pleasant.." "Save it you old hag. Now begone with you before I report you to the council." She ran off and he gave me a disapproving look. I just ran up to him glad to be safe again.



xoxoxoxo Syrup aka purpleeyez96

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