wings of a monster......chapter7

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wings of a monster........chapter7

Jennifer's point of view..

It's been 3 weeks and the pain i excruciating. Every night Caleb and Alica would have to come and check on me. With the changes happening I've been looking different. My naturally light brown hair has been going darker by the day....At time my eyes seem to be coal black. No sign of life or emotion is in them. But it was my choice to become what I am. I could've been one of heavans angels, but instead I chose to become one of hells demons....One like Caleb. I was his angel of darkness born to serve him and him alone..

I've found out that with my dark angelic-ness comes dark powers. I was immensely excited to test these powers. I secretely asked Alica to help me with them. She first of all showed me how to control things with my mind. Alica was a pro at it. But me on the other hand, I sucked. I would have to put allot of practice into it. I wonder what Caleb is up to?

Caleb's point of view

These past few months have been hectic. Jennifer's change was sucking all the energy out of us. Every night something would happen and Alica and I would have to see to it. Althought Jennifer had a smile platered on her face, I could tell he wan't very happy. After my internal conversation with myself I heard someone enter. "Your Highness". It was one of the dark council's messengers. "Yes what is it?Why have you come to my castle?" He shivered a bit looking down at the floor. "The..the dark council has told me to inform Your Highness that there is a meeting Your Highness should attend." "A meeting, what time is this meeting?" He shivered some more and told me at 12pm. I went to my room picking out something to wear for tonight. Just than Jennifer stepped in.

"Caleb. Whatcha dooing" She wa swinging side to side like a little girl asking her mother for a new toy. "I'm getting ready for a meeting I have to attend, would you like to join?" "Oh me?.... really wow usually you're all top secret on these things" I glared at her. "Well I am prince, so I may do as I please. Now go get ready."

Jennifer's point of view..

When I entered my room I found the most beautiful gown on my bed. A note was attached to it saying Caleb wanted me to wear it. It was mid-evil like and had black roses on the bottom. When I wa done one of the workers informed me we were ready to go. When we arrived at this place I notice it was huge. Caleb was wearing his crown that was shining even in the dark of the night. As we walked in the whole building silenced. Everyone bowed not daring to look him in the eyes. It was like they worshipped his every move, he demanded respect and when he spoke his voice was filled with authority. The words that was spoken was filled with venom so poisonous any mortal would die hearing it. Than as quick as it was daydreaming the night was over. I didn't even hear a word the council said, I guess it's better that way.

Okay thats it vote comment and fan me plz

xoxoxox syrup

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