Chapter 11

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The next morning was just like any other morning with the hosts. That meant everything was hectic, except for Kyoya and Mori who seemed to stay calm in the sea of chaos that Tamaki and the twins were creating.

I was restricted to the couch in front of the fire, after an Ootori doctor had appeared after the storm and confirmed Kyoya's suspicions. I had been diagnosed with sprained right ankle, a mild concussion (which should be gone by sometime today) and a right arm which was on the verge of breaking. When the host's heard this Tamaki had gotten teary eyed about me not being able to join in any of the fun. Kyoya had chivalrously volunteered to stay with me. I had suspicions that he just wanted to stay away from Tamaki and the twins though...

"Here you are Akira-san. A traditional American breakfast." Breaking my thoughts I looked up at Kyoya, who was wearing casual black jeans and a white button down shirt. How he managed to look professional in casual clothes will always be a mystery to me.

"Thanks Kyoya. Pancakes sound good right about now." Taking the plate from him I setteled it delicately on my lap before digging in. He went and sat in an armchair that was near the couch, opening his black book again.

Starting on my fruit I noticed his glances, and wondered if perhaps he was still unsettled about dropping honorifics. Considering that barely anybody in the host club used them I was a bit surprised you'd think he'd feel more comfortable.

"You want some fruit Kyoya?" Glancing away quickly he pushed the glasses up on his head, shaking his head in refusal. I grinned at him before eating more strawberries.

"You'll have to excuse my question, but why exactly are you being so friendly to the other host's and I? Your personality is cold and indifferent, yet you are starting to deviate from the pattern." Setting my dishes on the floor I smiled at him before answering.

"I feel closer to you guys ever since... that incident. And all of you guys are always being nice, calling me with -chan and such." Though thinking about it, I still had that assignment from my father. Damn his soul. I don't really want to give him the information on the host's but sadly he could be... very persuasive.

"I see." Flipping a page in his black book he scrawled some more notes onto it. Personally I was getting a little bored with sitting still, so I decided it was time.

Pushing my covers aside and adjusting my arm sling, I started pushing myself with my left hand, slowly standing up. At first Kyoya didn't notice my movements, but unfortunately he glanced at me again right as I was about to let go of the couch and stand on my own two feet. (Don't worry, I was careful on my right ankle.)

Smiling at him I went to take a step. Suddenly my right ankle flared, and I felt myself start to fall to the right. My heart rate jumping, I just sat in the backseat of my mind, watching it happen. It was just my luck to break an arm that had only been fractured.

"Akira!" Kyoya leapt from his armchair, his journal cast aside. His arms spread wide he caught me, his momentum causing him to land on the floor with me in his arms.

Sheepishly I looked up at him, my vision still wavering.

"I guess I still have a bit of a concussion, huh?" Letting out a breath he shook his head at me, pushing his glasses back onto his nose since they had almost fallen in his mad dive to get to me.

"It would seem so. I recommend staying on the couch until your balance has returned..." I tuned him out once he started spewing medical facts. But that didn't help my wandering mind. I was still painfully aware of his arms around me, the heat emanating from his body.

"... you understand? Akira are you listening?" Nodding my head I smiled, of course I missed what he said, but my medical knowledge was nothing to scoff at either.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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