Chapter 4

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Akira's POV

As I pulled into Ouran I wasn't in the mood for anything. My "financial advisor" had quit and I needed to find a new one, and he also messed with fathers company a bit before he left so now I have to handle any court dates, what charges to press, etc. Too much. 

I strode into my class, and instantly it hushed and the gossipers spread there lies to the student population. I ignored them and pulled out my laptop, focusing on some of Yuki's work to help her out. I didn't want my parents to take away any of her freedom like they did me, so helping her and lightening her load was the least I could do.

I saw someone stride into the room and I heard squeals and heard the female students sigh. I looked up and caught the gaze of Kyoya, the Ootori son. But as soon as he looked at me, no he was analyzing me, he looked away and started talking to the girls. I noted that on my laptop, then slipped it away before the teacher came in.

As class continued on, I could feel Kyoya's eyes on my back, but I was too tired to care. I also had a migraine coming on because of all the chit chat in the class room. I mean really, who comes to class and thinks, 'While the teachers not looking I'm going to gossip and giggle with my friends.' These people were just.... I was definetly going to have a migraine, lets just say that.


As the bell finally rang I escaped the class room and wandered the halls looking for a quiet place to eat. I had the cook give me a snack, no time for lunch usually.

I rounded a corner in the pink hallways and saw a rose maze through the windows. I decided to venture out there, surely it would be quiet right?

Kyoya's POV

I walked through the hallways to the host club, glancing around every once in a while. I heard some soft foot steps and I stepped through a hallway as I saw the new girl Akira pass by. She passed me, and appeared lost in thought. I followed her and I saw her go into the rose maze.

She eventually made it to the gazebo, and she pulled out her sleek laptop and started typing immediately. I watched her through out lunch, and I was a little concerned when she only had a granola bar. And a cup of coffee? Where did she get that from?

I looked closer at her and I saw that she had slight bags under her eyes, and her shoulder slumped just the slightest to show fatigue. I noted that in my notebook. I watched her through out the day, and on several occasions noted that she had a notebook like me. Except hers was a deep green almost black, while I had traditional black.

She watched the host club warily, and I was slightly angered when I tried to research her on my laptop. Nothing was on her school profile, only her birthday and some other basic information. Online there were only good things. Some of them seemed scripted at parts. Though one thing caught my eye. Figure skating. She was a medalist, and apparently a few other sports too, but figure skating was the one she stayed with until the very end.

Her records then showed that she suddenly stopped at the age of 12. After that there was nothing. No sports. I smirked at the screen. The host club would be arriving soon, and this bit of information I might share.

Will Kyoya finally meet his match? (Ouran Highschool host club fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now