Chapter 8

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Well I'm off hiatus! Due to the number of votes and views, I think I'll give writing this story another go.                                                                                                                                                   Disclaimer: Ouran High School Host Club does not belong to me, only my characters and plot do.

Akira's Pov

After all the hosts put their bags in their room, the idiot trio (Tamaki andthe twins) tried to get me to make snow angels with them outside. But I'll tell you a secret. I don't mind "playing" outside with them, but I don't want to roll in the snow and potentially let snow under my jacket or into my boots.

"Come on Aka-chan!" Twin 1 said.

"It will be fun!" Twin 2 said. They both tried to grab me, but I was too fast for them. No way in hell with they drag me into the snow.

"Never! I don't want to get all wet! Snowmen and snow ball fights are one thing, but this is where I draw the line!" I shouted at them, running around Mori who was helping Honey build a snow bunny. But since there were two of them, they split around Mori and tried to tackle me from either side.

"Ahh! Sorry Mori-san!" I grabbed his arm which was extended outward toward the bunny, and used it as a bar to swing from. He looked at me in amusement and Honey was clapping in the background. Today dosen't seem to be that bad after all. Though I'm kinda starting to get tired now...

My footsteps faltering, I fell. Face first into the snow. Now. I. Am. Pissed. Turning around I glared at the twins, wiping the snow off my face. The froze into place, the laughter falling off their face. Even if it wasn't their fault, they were part of it.

"You better run for your life. Because on the count of 3 I'm going to catch you, and do worse." The looked at each other, and immediately started running.

"3" I started chasing them, their screams of terror to Haruhi going unanswered. In the background Mori was slightly smiling, Honey was cheering with Tamaki, while Haruhi just laughed. Kyoya just smirked. Smiling, I continued chasing the twins. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.

Kyoya's Pov

Watching Akira chase the twins around, I thought about how different she seemed then when we had met her.

"Is it just me or has Akira-san changed?" I looked around at the other hosts, and they nodded in aggree ment.

"Shes more playful now, eh Takashi?" Honey commented, sculpting the whiskers onto his bunny.

"Ah." Takashi nodded in agreement.

"She must be getting used to our family atmosphere, and accepting her role as Haruhi's sister!" Tamaki shouted, pointing his finger in the air with finality. I sighed at him. He and Haurhi were the only ones oblivious to their feelings.

"I think she has gotten more familiar with us. And is it just me, or was she more tense the more she worked? What is she even working on in the first place?" Haruhi's question caused us all to look at Akira again. Now she was standing victoriously on top of the twins, laughing with them. She was nothing like that calculating person I had met yesterday. I'll have to take note of this later. 

Akira's Pov

After I got back at the twins, it was around dusk so the group decided to head back to the lodge. I realized that my behaviour earlier was unacceptable, so I was sure to keep my emotions in check when we gathered around a fire place.

"That was so refreshing! Seeing my darling daughter Haruhi-chan play in the snow! Ahh, it just warms my heart!" Tamaki exclaimed over his hot chocolate. He had tried to sit next to Haruhi but had ended up sitting in a love seat next to Kyoya. I had quickly realized that Kyoya was usually stuck dealing with his antics, so I watched the scene with an amused smirk.

"I feel bad for Haruhi-san. You always confuse him for a female because of his feminine features, eh Tamaki-san?" I looked into his eyes and saw that he was panicing for a second before he and the twins agreed with me.

"Yeah, its a joke! He's really Kyoya's and I only son! Right mother?" He looked desperately at Kyoya and I chuckeled a bit on the inside. His reaction was so... innocently terrible.

"Right. But why don't you get another cup of cocoa Tamaki? All this talk of parenting is making my old bones feel even older." Kyoya said, rubbing his forehead with a small frown. I almost smiled at his words. He was quite funny in his own way. Though he was also still calculating, seeing as he had dropped the subject in one sentence.

Looking around the circle of chairs I saw all the hosts chatting amongst each other. Honey was talking to Mori about cake, the twins were playing a gameboy with Haruhi inbetween them, and Tamaki was talking at Kyoya about club activities he wanted to do. All of us were in our pajamas since it was quite late, though it seemed that Haruhi had borrowed pajamas from the twins since she was wearing red and orange plaid cotton pants with a white shirt. The twins were wearing almost the exact same outfit, confirming my suspicions.

"So Kyoya-san. What are we going to do tomorrow?" I asked, setting my cup down and looking at him from my arm chair. He turned his head towards me and kept ignoring Tamaki.

"We are going to go snow boarding and tubing down the side of the mountain for most of the day, before retiring to the hot springs." I nodded and thought about it. How where they going to disguise Haruhi's gender if we went to a hot springs? Girl and guys have to be seperate so... Oh well. It'll be interesting to see how they try and cover this mistake up. I already know that Kyoya suspects me of knowing her gender, and probably Mori and Honey. Though the others are still oblivious.    Smirking I grabbed another saucer of hot chocoalte and sipped on it.

I was definetly looking forward to tomorrow.

So how was that? Good, bad? Leave me a comment or vote to let me know that you want me to update!


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