Chapter 10

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Forget what I said. This trip was in no way going to be fun. Why? Because I was cold, miserable and hungry. And instead of stopping at the nice mountainside restraunt the hosts kept insisting on going down the mountain again and again. Even Kyoya, though I think he just agreed to keep going to keep Tamaki off his back.

"Come on Akira-"

"Senpai. Don't be so lazy." Tugging at my coat the troublesome twins kept trying to get me onto another lift, but this time I wouldn't give in.

Shaking my head furiously I tried to struggle against their grip. "No way! I'm sick and tired of skiing and tubing down the mountain. This time I simply must refuse!" The hosts stared at me in shock, since this was the first time I hadn't agreed with them. Surely they must have seen this coming...?

"Come on Akira-chan! You know you want to!! And I'll even let you hold Usa-chan!" With a giggle Honey held out his rabbit and smiled cutely. I swear the rabbit even seemed to make some type of puppy dog face like Honey.

With a sigh I shook my head one more time. "I'm sorry guys. But I'm just too cold and tired to keep going anymore. What about you Haruhi-san?" Looking to Haruhi I smirked at my genius plan. Once Haruhi said she was cold the Host's would surely give in, if only for the fact that Tamaki would agree with anything she said.

"Actually Akira-senpai I actually want to keep going since I don't know when I'll be able to do this again..." With an apologetic grin she started edging behind the twins who adopted sly grins. Uh oh...

"You know what that mean Akira..." The twins spoke in unison as they slowly started stalking towards me. Looking to the Host's for help I saw that they wouldn't be any use. Tamaki was bothering Haruhi and Kyoya was by his side, somehow writing in his journal in this cool weather. Honey had managed to distract Mori with some cutesy talk, meaning my only real help was off limits. Darn Honey senpai and his smartness.

"It's time to play!" And with that exclamation they both leapt at me, leaving me with only one option. Running.

"You'll never catch me!" And I turned and left them all, an amused Kyoya watching while the rest of the host's kept chattering to each other.

I weaved through families waiting in line for the lifts and headed to the forest. That was my only chance since the twins had more speed than me, but not more... Agility or flexibility maybe? I think thats what it's called.

"You won't be able to hide from us Akira-senpai!" Hikaru called as we both entered the semi dense forest of pines. Weaving left and right I managed to evade them, but as the ground started becoming more steep my speed fell drastically.

And I even thought I had a chance of escaping, if it wasn't for one thing. I tripped over a root and went tumbling down the mountain.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, help me!" Screaming I went through snow banks and was thrashed by passing tree branches. I thought I might be in the clear until I saw it. A large pine tree in my path that I couldn't evade, no matter how much I tried to twist.

"Akira!" Hearing the twins shout I turned back and saw their panicked expression. Heck, my expression must have been similair because I was scared out of my wits. Before I could shout to them again I hit a root and was sent flying into the air. With a snap I stared at the impending tree in front of me. I wonder if insurance would cover this?

And with a solid thunk I hit the tree. I blacked out immediately, saving myself from a world of pain.


".....-hat happened?"

"...root....into a tree"

"...blizzard...roads closed"

"...hotel doctor?"

Hearing everyone talk around me was disconcerting. For the life of me I couldn't open my eyes, and I seemed to only be able to pick up the conversation every once in a while. And as time flowed on the buzzing noise in the background bothered me more and more. Why couldn't they just be quiet? Didn't they know that I was trying to sleep?

Turning over onto my side I tried to curl up, but I figured out really quick that trying to use my right arm felt like I was just lighting it on fire over, and over again. Trying to sit up and relieve the stress on my arm felt near impossible, especially since something heavy was smothering me.

Opening my eyes all the way I saw that everyone was standing in a circle around a fireplace while I was layed on a red couch behind them. (Personally I think the couch was velvet but that seemed ridiculous, and way to over the top.)

At first when I tried to talk to them my voice was clogged, and seemed to be stuck in whisper mode, but I finally got there attention when I threw the thick blankets off of me (what sane person piled 4 blankets on someone laying in front of a fire, I could die from heat stroke!)

"Guys, what happened?"

It was like a switch had been thrown. Everyone rushed over, and I was sooned smothered by Tamaki who claimed to be "worrying about his daughters precious female influence." Hikaru and Karou seemed to feel responsible and guilty over my injuries, and Haruhi, Mori, and Honey just hung back at the edge of all the action. Kyoya himself seemed to just be observing, taking ocasional notes in his black book.

"Akira-senpai we are so sorry!" The twins were soon on their knees, begging in front of me.

"We didn't realize you would fall-"

"And we were just trying to play with you!"

"Please forgive us!" Holding a hand out I stopped their speel before I drowned in their regret.

"It's ok, just tell me what happened. How injured am I?" Everyone turned to Kyoya once I asked my question and clearing his throat, he stepped forward into the spotlight.

"You sustained a badly fractured right arm, and your right ankle is also potentially broken. According to the twins, mostly the right side of your body hit the tree. Thankfully you recieved no head injuries, though there is a chance of a mild concussion." His voice was precise, stating the facts cleanly. He was such an Ootori. Though his analysis had left the atmosphere tense, and the twins seemed...

"And don't worry about a thing Akira-chan. Since I'm your prince I will make those evil twins pay!" With a war cry he started chasing the twins, and the darkening atmosphere quickly receded. Smiling at their antics I layed back down, adjusting the pillows so I was sitting upright,

Coming over to my Kyoya offered me some painkiller and water. He had also magically pulled a muffin out of thin air, and I was extremely grateful. It seemed that my hunger from earlier had returned, and quite viciously too. Taking the items from Kyoya I offered him a genuine smile.

"Thank you Kyoya." And I really meant it. He seemed suprised by the drop in honorifics, but I think that after this incident I could call him a friend. Even if he didn't know it yet.

A.N: So what do you think? I kinda liked it and am really glad that I rewrote the chapter I was originally going to post. So vote and comment (but only if you want to ^_^)

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