Chapter 9

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AN: So I'm Finally Updating! I'm actually at the library, and I'm supposed to be doing my homework, but whatever :P I haven't updated so... Let the chapter commence!

Akira's Pov

"...e Up... Wake up!" Slowly lowering the covers from my vision, I glared at whoever had dared to awaken me. I was not pleased in the slightest. If I was on vacation, I was going to enjoy it, and that means sleeping in. So being the polite person I am, I decided to let them know my policy the nice way. By throwing them out of the room, with class.

"Holy sheet!" The now identified Hikaru paniced as he saw me slowly rise from the bed. Throwing the covers off myself, I quickly launched myself out of the bed, my arms wrapping around him like a vice. As he tried to struggle out of my grip, I slowly stumbled toward the door, and pulled it open with a crash as it hit the wall behind it.

Throwing Hikaru from the room, I smirked and bowed. "And that's why you should never try and wake me up. Again." As he looked confused, I made my exit into the dark shadows emitting from my room. Boy, was the Host Club in for a suprise once I reawakened into my normal state.

Hikaru's Pov

"I swear guys, she was like a demon! She slithered out of her covers and came at me, trpping me in her arms, as she dragged and threw me out of her room! Once she did that, she slithered back into the shadows, leaving a chill in the air." The Host Club was surronding me, all of them waiting for Akira. We needed her so that we could go up to the mountains after all, she was our guest. And what types of Hosts would we be if we left her alone for the start of the fun.

"Hikaru, that dosen't sounds like Akira senpai. Are you sure that you just didn't hit your head or something?" Haruhi was skeptical of my tale, and it looked like most off the other Hosts where too. Except Tamaki, he was weeping on Kyoya for one reason or the other.

"I'm sure Akira-san wouldn't act like that Hikaru. Next time you need help finding her room or something, don't create a big story to cover your idiocy." Kyoya who was writing in his notebook, looked up, "By the way her room number was 313." Pouting I turned to Kourou, surely he would believe me. He just winked at me and nodded. 

Sighing I turned and glanced down the hall at the cursed room, 313. Akira was more different than I thought she would be... I have an idea! Akira will be my new toy!

"Watch out Akira-chan. You're my new toy!" Exclaiming this silently, I chuckled deviously. This was going to be fun.

Akira's Pov

When I left Hikaru in the hall, I couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard I tried. The fact of the matter was that I was too excited for all the stuff we where going to do today. I hadn't done any of this before, at least not with people my age, so I was excited!

But all too soon I remembered what my father had ordered me to do before I had left with the Host Club. 

"Akira on this trip, you will collect data on each of the Hosts. I don't care how trivial it is, write it down. But don't do this in their presence, wait until they are gone or you are alone in your room to write this down. Any failure will result in....." My fathers monotonous voice told me all I needed to know.

"Yes sir. Is that all?" Meetings with my father always chilled me to the bone, so I was anxious to leave his presence.

"That is all." With a wave of his hand, he dismissed me. I scurried out of there as fast as I could without seeming impolite. After all, I had to be perfect for my father. Anything less had reprecussions.

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