Chapter 2

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Akira's POV

I pulled my schedule out and looked at it once I left the secretaries. They were dreadfully fake, or else they were terribly cheery morning people, and I couldn't really stand them. 

Class 2A, huh? Not bad, there are some very prominent business partner children in my class according to the information my parents gave me, and of course, the school records. I thought to myself as I wandered down the halls to 2A. 

The school computers had been to easy to hack into, and you thought that a prestigous school such as them would have some decent fire walls. But I had found all the information I needed on the Ootori boy and the Chairmans son. I wasn't complaining.

I slowed to a stop as I reached the door with the2A sign above the door. I smoothed my hair down and adjusted my skirt. As I pulled the door open, I carefully wore a blank face.

Ready or not, here I come.

Kyoyas POV

"Come on Kyoya....."  Tamaki was whining at me for some ridiculous club activity so Haruhi would like him better, but they were so oblivious about each other it wouldn't matter. It would just be a waste of club resources. So I just continued to budget the club while successfully ignoring Tamaki.

The door swung open though and when I looked to see the teacher, I saw a new student instead. She had long white hair almost to her waist, and her eyes looked silver. She seemed to be taller than the average japanese girl, though she looked like she was a mix of Japanese and perhaps American, German, maybe even Russian.

"Kyoya-kun who is she?"  Tamaki leaned and not so quietly whispered in my ear. I shook my head at him. I didn't know, and that within itself was puzzling because I always knew who someone is. Especially if they are a new arrival.

"Class today we have a new student joining us. Will you please introduce yourself Miss. Yamazaki?" The teacher then sat down at his desk and watched her with great wariness. Interesting...

Akira's POV

I hated telling people about myself, they are usually quick to judge, and once they know my family name they usually get     A. scared     or     B. They kiss up.

"Of course Sensei. I am Akira Yamazaki" cue fake smile, "As long as you don't wrong me I won't wrong you. Please take care of me." I went and sat down at the empty seat right by the Ootori son. I would gather information later, but for right now I wish that I didn't have to say that traditional Japanese school saying. The "Please take care of me." It made me sound week.

"Ok class now today we will....."


The bell finally rang and I walked out of the classroom as fast as I could without looking impolite. I disliked it here already because most of the girls were gossiping about my parents or my outfit, all of them wondering why I didn't have to follow dress code. I found it irritating and pointless.

I finally wandered into a court yard outside the school that led to a rose maze. The roses in general looked quite beautiful in the afternoon sunshine that was peeking through the clouds, and I allowed myself a small smile. I pulled out my laptop and sat on a stone bench, and went to work.

Host Club POV

The host club was currently adjourning for an emergency meeting about the new student. Everyone was wondering why she suddenly showed up, and why she was so reclusive.

"So tono, what do you"

"know about the new girl?" The twins asked. Everyone was lounging around on a couch, and since Tamaki was the Chairmans son it seemed obvious he would know.

"I don't know anything about her really. She was quiet during class and got her work done in record speed. She didn't seem friendly actually, and was really distant."

"Well according to her file that's what she is supposed to be. The perfect daughter. Her father owns Yamazaki Computer industrys, one of the biggest technology companies in Japan, which is quickly spreading to other countries. Her mother however, has a lot of American based business centered around fashion, make-up, and other fashion items. Both are extremely successful, and very dangerous." I said breaking into the conversation. Her parents had impressive stature, though it was hard to find anything else about them. I would look more later.

"That must be hard, always living up to there expectations, right Mori-san?" Honey-sempai said to Mori-sempai.


While the Host club talked about Yamazaki-chan, and getting her to visit, I thought about not being able to get information on them. She was a challenge. One that I was willing to solve. As I gazed out the window I saw her rapidly typing on a laptop that I haven't seen before, and I wondered what she was working on. Was it important? Was she important to us in someway?

A/N: So what do you guys think so far? Next chapter will explain her a bit better, so vote, comment, or follow so I know you guys like the story so far!


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