Chapter 7

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Akira's POV

I woke up on Saturday in a irritable mood. One of the reasons was just simply the fact I had to wake up so early. Then my cook was out sick so all I had to eat was some toast and a bannanna.

I scowled out the window, looking at all the buildings and cars we passed. I liked to fancy myself a bit like Sherlock Holmes in the fact that I could read people so well. I could tell that Kyoya had some ulterior motive for inviting me, and Tamaki despite being the president of the host club was clueless like always. The twins wanted to "play" with me, and Haruhi was just curious. Honey and Mori only had innocent intentions, but were also curious like Haruhi.

When we finally pulled up to Ouran, there was a notice on the front door to meet in the club room. 'Wonder why they just couldn't have a car ready, it would save time.' But sadly the logic of my thoughts were neither heard or realized since the club members were pretty much a band of idiots. Though they were powerful and influential idiots.

"Akira-chan! You finally arrived!" Honey yelled, and immediately grabbed my hand upon entry. I smiled slightly when he grabbed my hand because it reminded me of my little sister. I set my suitcase by the ones the other hosts had, and slowly made my way to where Kyoya and Tamaki where talking.

"Hello Ootori-san. When do we leave?"  I asked politely, watching the twins bother Haruhi in the background.

"Right now actually. We want to arrive there noon correct?" He answered politely, though slightly clipped. Tamaki was now chasing the twins, but I could've sworn he sent Kyoya a look.

"Well everybody lets get into the limo." Kyoya called, and like little ducklings they all got their suit case and started heading out of the room chatting in little groups. I smirked at the thought and folowed behind Haruhi. 'Thats a curious thought. I don't think that the Host club knows that I know Haruhi's secret yet. I wonder if I should tell them sometime at the lodge or later.' I smirked as I thought of this, stepping into the limo. 'I'll save it for later, always better to keep your cards close to your heart, less the other team sees.'

"What are you thinking about Akira-sempai?" Haruhi asked me once the majority of the hosts started watching a movie or listening to their Ipods.

"Nothing much Haruhi-san, just something a little birdie told me." I replied as I looked out the window smirking. 'If only you knew Haruhi. If only.'

The ride dragged on and on until we finally reached the resort, which was pretty much on the top of a mountain. It looked absolutely stunning too, because it followed a western log cabin lodge type of look.

"So what room do I have Ootori?" I asked once we picked up the keys from the front desk. I wouldn't admit it, but I was impressed with Kyoya for finding such a good resort.

"You get room number 216. It's a single, but that's because most of the hosts are sharing so they get double rooms." I nodded, and he handed me my key and we all headed to the elavator.

"Looks like your next to us Akira." The twins said in unison, wrapping their arms around me and doing a closed eye smile. I did my own smile at them, but I added some malice in with the grin. I hated being touched. Absoulutely hated it.

As we walked down the halls, I alienated myself from the host club and walked toward the back. I was too caught up in my own thoughts. 'What does my father want me to accomplish? Just gathering information, winning their favor, what?' I frowned and sighed though brightened at the falling snow outside of the window.

Kyoya's POV

I watched Akira (Not in a stalker way) for most of the trip here and what her reaction was to the resort I had chosen. She seemed pleased, though quickly masked it. She also seems on the border of being anti social, going by the way she walks apart from the hosts through the hotel. Though maybe she was right to walk apart. I wouldn't want to be seen with Tamaki or the twins either.

"Then Kyoya, Haru-chan and I can build a snowman! Since it will be snowing, when we come inside we will have coco together and snuggle by the fire!" Tamaki ranted about his genius idea to get together with Haruhi, and I sighed and rubbed my forehead. It seems that those two are the only ones who don't know their feelings.

"Just be careful, Yamazaki-san dosen't know Haruhi's secret remember." It was times like these I felt like a parent. Though I was curious. Akira and all her intellect should have figured Haruhi's secret out. Right?

Will Kyoya finally meet his match? (Ouran Highschool host club fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant