87) Sorry, Umbridge

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The weekend had been enjoyable — I was mostly caught up on my work (I had a speech to prepare, but planned on winging it, as it usually ended up better than when I actually thought it out — story of my life), and Draco wasn't even all that mad about me stealing his blood (with his permission).

A damper was put on things that Monday morning though, when I saw a notice on the board. There was only one sheet of paper, but I had no trouble reading it, and neither did anyone else, so I figured some weird enchantment had been put on it.

It wasn't a fun one. It looked a little something like this:

The High Inquisitor of Hogwarts

All Student Organizations, Societies, Teams, Groups, and Clubs are henceforth disbanded.
An Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students.
Permission to re-form may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge).
No Student Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor.

Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled.

The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-four.

"What about people that happen to have more than one friend they regularly hang out with?" A seventh year asked tiredly. "I mean, I hang out with Julia and Blaine, so does that make us an Organization?"

"Yes, it does," I turned to look at the seventh year in horror. "How dare you engage in these heinous activities —"

"What about Quidditch?" Rosie asked quietly.

I paused. What about Quidditch indeed.

"I'll talk to her," I said somberly, turning to look at the notice again. Quidditch was a team sport. It was definitely included in the stuff mentioned, because Umbridge was a terrible human being, and that's the sort of stuff she gets off on.

Also... she knew. This wasn't a coincidence. She'd found out about our meeting at the Hog's Head. At least no location had been set. No official date. And hopefully there was no evidence against us other than word of mouth.

I only hoped whoever snitched would have faced the wrath of Hermione's curse (she'd told me that the paper she'd had everyone sign had been cursed to 'cause the snitch some terrible, terrible pain).


When I got to the Great Hall, it was obvious that it wasn't just us who had been stuck with that notice. The students were in shambles, whispering to each other and running up and down the tables.

I didn't bother to sit down, instead walking straight up to the Head table.

"Professor Dumbledore," I nodded to our headmaster, who was poking at his food, a displeased look on his face, "would you mind if I spoke with Professor Umbitch — sorry, Umbridge?"

Dumbledore's eyes lightened slightly, apparently having appreciated my 'slip up', "Of course you can, Mr. Jackson. Thank you for asking, I think this is the first time you've done that."

"Well, lately I've been told to learn some respect, so I'm trying it out on people I think actually deserve it — so, I'm respecting Professor McGonagall, because she doesn't like it when I talk to people up here without asking you first."

Dumbledore laughed slightly and motioned his head to Umbridge, who was watching me intently.

"Hello," I said, moving to stand in front of her.

"Howdy," I wished she would say, but she didn't. Instead, she just raised her eyebrows in that stupid way she does, and asked, "What is it that you wanted to speak with me about, Mr. Jackson?"

"I would like to re-form the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, Professor Umbitch — sorry, Umbridge — and the notice said to come to you about it," I said.

Umbridge's eye twitched, "And why should the Hufflepuff Quidditch team be reinstated?"

"What?" I blinked. "Because it's the Quidditch team? Our House Quidditch team?"

"All Student Organizations, Societies, Te—"

"Teams, Groups, or Clubs, I know, I know, you don't have to repeat them all every time, Professor Umbitch — sorry, Umbridge."

"I may repeat them all I want, Mr. Jackasson — sorry, Jackson — and as I hope you will learn, everything that happens in this school must in some way be beneficial to the learning of our students. Now, how would the Hufflepuff Quidditch team being reinstated better our learning experiences?"

"Uh," I wasn't ready for the question, (but when was I ever ready for anything?), "giving the students a outlet during constant studying has proven to be helpful in how students remember things. It would also offer a morale boost as we get used to the ever changing system that you and the Ministry are applying to our school, and would function as a motivator to work hard in order to be able to attended matches since you can't go if your grades are too low."

Umbridge clearly hadn't been ready for me to have had a serious answer (neither was I, honestly), and had no rebuttal for me, so she just puckered her mouth and said, "The Hufflepuff Quidditch team may be re-formed."

"Thank you, Professor Umbitch — sorry, Umbridge."

Tummy hurt. Agiaggahagghagsgah. It hurt worse earlier, so I'm good now. Now that I'm thinking about it though it's hurting worse. I'm worried about the length of this book. It feels like I'm not making much progress but I mostly have been following along with the book. I'm going to start having to cut chunks of events out, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I know one upcoming thing is going to be left out, because it's one of Harry's things that he does alone because there isn't any reason for Percy to participate. I'm hoping there's enough of that that I don't have to cut important things out or (how terrible this would be) write longer chapters. I'll know more about how I'll go about things later on in the book. Also, I got a Squishmallow. I'm not much into stuffed toys. I own several (most beanie babies on my shelf) but some are on my bed. I don't sleep with them normally (one is, sometimes, used as a pillow). They just kind of sit there. I've got three squishmallows on my bed (accompanied by my second oldest companion, the stuffed bear I never named). One is a chicken named Todd. One is a shark named Ricardo (that is what I named him. It is also the name of the Queen dinosaur above my bed). And the last... well, my sister found him in a Dollar General. She pointed him out to my younger sister and we went on a crusade to find another (because she wanted me to get one as well, because I said I would by it for her). We found three more. One, an exact replica of the one we had found (which, given the nature of this particular Squishmallow, was a logical option). One was a cat named... Claudia? I don't remember. I forgot about one, a dog named Shaun. I was going to get the replica, but Kadee didn't want to match, so she decided I would get the original and she would take the lion called Francis. Normally she would never let me take the one she wanted... this one had been an alicorn with pink wings and a pink horn and a pastel tye-dye body... but it was called Percy. The tag called it Percy. She understood. I needed him. I love him. He is my best friend for life.

Anyway, I hope you guys have had a squishy Monday, and I'll see you on Wednesday CT. Love ya!

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