~mia pov~

Next day at lunch, we're eating until Liz sits beside Pietro.

"Hi, Pietro. I'm Liz."

"Hi, Liz."

Wanda rolls her eyes, probably reading her thoughts. I stay quiet and look at my food.

"Mia. Can I talk to you?"

I nod and get up, following her to the bathroom. We get in their and see her friends are already there.

"You're still talking to him?" Liz asks.

I stay quiet and stare at the floor. She slams me against the wall and I gasp and look her in the eyes.

"Answer me."

"I'm not. They sit at my table."

"Why would they sit with you? You're no one important."

"You're useless." A friend says.

"You're ugly." Another says.

They take turns throwing insults and curses at me. I go to leave and Liz slams me back to the wall and smacks me in the face.

I start to tear up and they laugh and walk out. I wait a few minutes before going back to the lunch room. I don't sit back down, just grab my stuff and sit at a bench.

I hear the girls laughing and let the tears out, my hair covering my face. I feel a gust of wind and look up to see Pietro sitting beside me.

"Why'd you leave?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Then come back."

"I can't."


I sigh and look at the girls. They look pissed and I shake my head.

"I can't."

"I'll miss you."


"Because. I don't need a reason to."

I stay quiet and he pats my leg before standing up and walking away. I stand up and throw my trash away. I get back to the bench and get my phone out, calling my dad.

"Hey, bubba. What's up?"

"Hi." I cry. "I need to come home."

"What happened?"

I hear him moving on the other end.

"I can't. I'm gonna have another panic attack. I need to come home."

"I'm coming. I'll be there soon."

"Okay. Thank you."

"No problem. I love you."

"I love you, too."

I hang up and leave the lunch room, heading to my locker. I slowly gather my stuff and sit on a bench near the office.

I hear my dads voice and stand, walking into the office. I follow him out the door and he pulls me to his side.

"You gonna tell me what happened?"



"It will make it worse if I tell you. They'll know it was me."

"I'm sorry."

I shake my head no and start crying. We get in the car and drive home.


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