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~3rd pov~

The kids get home and walk out of the elevator. Mia goes directly to an arm chair. The Avengers look up at the three and they just shake their heads.

They want to ask her what's wrong, but they know she won't answer. She just curls into a ball and stares at the wall.

Sharon walks in and Tony sighs. She is not going to help the situation.

~mia pov~

When Sharon walks in, my heart rate speeds up. She next to Steve and gives me a disgusted look. I quickly look away and she chuckles.

I squeeze my eyes shut and open them with a single tear falling out. I wipe it, hoping that no one saw. I don't doubt that they did.

"Why are you crying?" Sharron asks rudely.

"Sharon." Steve calls.

"I was just wondering why she's being a crybaby over there."

"You're a horrible person." Pietro says.

"I am not. I was asking a question."

"You are." Nat says.

Everyone, but Steve agrees and she turns to him.

"Seriously not gonna say anything?"


She scoffs, stands up, and slaps him. I jump hard and my breathing picks up. She starts walking to the elevator.

"Little bitch."

She gets in the elevator and the doors close. I unravel and try to control my breathing.


He quickly moves to me and kneels in front of me with his hands on mine.

"Hey, bubba. You're alright. She's gone."

I keep thinking about what happened in the bathroom. I make sure I dom't think about what I did in case Wanda is watching.


~tony pov~

"Little bitch."

That mother fucker.

Once the doors close for the elevator, we all look over at Mia. She's moving to sit up straight.


I see the panic in her face and quickly move to her. I kneel in front of her and take her hands.

"Hey, bubba. You're alright. She's gone."

It's as if she doesn't hear me. Her eyes are wide and scared as she watches me. Her breathing is out of control and the tears keep falling.

I place my hand on her cheek and she leans into it while still trying breathe.

"Pietro, can you put her on the couch?"

I stand up and Pietro speeds her over to lay down on her back. I move to her side and sit next to her. I give her one of my hands to squeeze and set my other one back on her cheek.

"You need to relax. Try to breathe with me."

She nods and stares at me as I breathe in and out. She follows, it's difficult, but eventually she manages.

"You're okay."

She just cries now. I don't know what to do. She leans up and pulls me into a hug while crying into my shoulder.

"What happened at school today?" Steve asks the kids.

"I read her mind." Wanda states. "The bullies name is Liz Allen. She's hitting her. Saying horrible things to her."

"She's hitting you?" I ask.

She nods her head and the anger grows inside me.

"I don't want anyone to know." She cries.

"Why? Bubba. We can help."

"She'll know it was me. It'll make it worse. I don't wanna get her in trouble."

"Alright." I sigh. "If this gets any worse, I'm not waisting any time."



Mia fell asleep on the couch. I watch her closely as my heart breaks for her.

"How can we help?" Wanda asks.

"We don't even know how." Steve replies.

"What happens at lunch?" I ask.

"She used to sit with us." Pietro says. "But, now she sits at a bench on the other side of the room. She said that Liz liked me and didn't like the fact that Mia was sitting with me."

"What a bitch." Nat says.

"She's dreaming." Wanda says.

"Can you see them?" I ask.

"Yeah. It's not good. Nightmare. Liz and Sharon hurting her."

"I'm gonna kill them both." Nat says. "Done it before, I can do it, again."

"That won't make her feel any better." Clint debates.

"It'd definitely help."

"Nope. You psycho killer. No."

Clint pulls her down and she sighs.

Wanda gets up and goes to Mia. She puts her hand up and does something with her magic before going back to her seat.

"I got rid of the nightmare."

"Thank you."

"No problem, Tony."

She turns to Pietro and squints her eyes.

"I'm totally gonna out her, right now, but she likes you."

"What?" He asks.

"I'm serious."

"It's true." Nat says. "I see it."

"Oh." He smiles.

"What are you planning?" Steve asks.

"They both like each other." Wanda says.

"Now you're gonna out me?"

"Yes. I am."


"You do?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He confirms nervously.

"You can calm down." I chuckle. "That's good."


"You're good. I trust you, kid."

"Okay." He smiles.

Wanda furrows her eyebrows and looks back at Mia.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"She's dreaming that you hadn't brought her back."

"Is it a nightmare?" Steve asks.

"I can't tell."

Mia jolts awake and looks at me. She takes a deep breath and her bottom lip begins to tremble. I jump up and move to her side.

"She told us what was in the dream."

She squeezes her eyes shut before opening them again and looking around the room. Her eyes stop on Pietro.

He waves with a smile and she waves back and looks away with a small smile.

Now, we see how obvious it is.

Him waving made her smile. That's difficult to do. She gets up and sits properly on the couch.

I sit back beside her and she zones out while biting her nails. And, she's back.

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