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Back at school Monday morning and Wanda, Pietro, and I are sitting in the back. Wanda moved seats with me so that I could sit next to Pietro.

"Because it is getting hot outside," The teacher starts. "The school will be going on a field trip to the wave pool this Friday."

The class cheers and I pay attention to what the teacher has to say.

"This will be a mandatory trip. Don't ask me why. I didn't decide it."

The class continues to cheer and chatter while I internally freak out.


We get home and I plop on the couch. I pick at my bottom lip until my dad calls my name.

"What's wrong?"

"School's going on a field trip to the wave pool."

"Why is that a bad thing."

"I'm not gonna be able to swim."

"You can swim, right?" Sam asks.

"Yes. That's not what I mean."

"I'm confused." Bruce says.


They stay quiet and I give them an unamused look. I pit the insides of my arms and they all 'oh' out of realization.


"Right." Dad remembers. "Just don't go."

"It's mandatory. I don't know why."

"That's stupid." Nat says.

"I know."

"What are you gonna do? It's gonna be hot, so you won't be able to wear the jacket all day." Dad says.

"I know. I'm gonna wear shorts or a skirt and a tank top with a cardigan."

"That'll work." Thor agrees.

I'm still nervous about it, but this is the best solution I have if I don't want to have a heat stroke.


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