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~mia pov~

Pietro and I have been together for a week now. I love it.

But, of course, the sadness isn't just gonna go away. I still feel numb most times. He brings a smile to my face that disappears when he looks away. I can't help it. I just can't stay happy.

I think they notice. Everyone. They see a good change, but also see no change at all. I feel really bad about that because I care so much about Pietro and he does make me happy, but I feel like my almost no change is like an insult to him. He doesn't deserve it.

I don't deserve him.

I'm sitting on the floor between Pietros legs, my knees to my chest as he plays with my hair and I zone out. Think. Not good things.

Wanda doesn't seem to be reading my mind, right now. If she was, she'd tell me. I'd know.

Pietro pulls my hair behind my ears and begins braiding it. I smile slightly before it disappears. Right now, isn't one if my good times.

His fingers brush against my hair, soft and smooth. He touches my neck slightly, sending a shiver through my body.

He chuckles and continues to braid. I smile slightly, again. It disappears, again.

It's hard to smile when you feel like this.

So hard.

He finishes braiding and fixes it, just to do it all over again. I set my head in my knees while he runs his fingers through my hair.

My eyes start to get heavy and I lift my head enough not to fall asleep.

"You getting tired?" Pietro chuckles.


"Come here."

I stand up and sit next to him. He sets a pillow on his lap and I smile and lay down. He moves the hair out of my face and plays with it.

My hair is gonna be so greasy.

It's okay, though.

It's worth it.

~3rd pov~

Tony watches Mia lay down with a small smile. He watches Pietro take care of her as he should. He watches everything they do and has seen nothing wrong at all.

Tony watches Mia smile when Pietro looks and it disappear as he looks away. She does that with everyone. She's hiding, again. She did this before the attempt.

His worry has grown and won't stop.

Wanda knows this. She also sees it.

Everyone does.

Not everyone realizes that this was the beginning of the near end.

Pietro's terrified. He wasn't there the first time, but Wanda tells him everything that she sees from the group.

It's been a week.


he loves her.

He can't help it.

It's very possible. It happened. He's known her longer than a week, but it still is a short time to fall in love with someone.

He doesn't care.

That doesn't change what someone feels for another.

He will love her as much as he can with how scared they all are. He will play with her hair whenever she wants. Let her fall asleep in his arms whenever she wants. Whatever might make her happy.

They will all do it.

She knows this and hates it. They do everything for her. It makes her feel ungrateful for everything and everyone she has when, really, she couldn't be more grateful for her family.

She loves them all.

She loves Pietro.

But, she can barely hold on anymore.

She gets her happy moments and loves them.

They're rare.

They're nearly impossible.

It's hopeless.

Her hope is gone and she's so close to giving up.

She keeps that out of her head, not wanting Wanda to know.

She'd tell them all and they'd worry and she can't do that to them. They already worry enough.

She can't make it worse.

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