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Pietro letter-

Hello, my prince

I will never forgive myself for what I have just done to you. You don't deserve this. But, I want to remind you of how much I truly love you.
My handsome prince.
My beautiful, beautiful Pietro.
You had me smiling at my lowest. You made my day brighter, even if it was only a little. I thank you so much for all you have done for me. Live your life for me. Live it the way I was supposed to. Happy. Full. Loving. Don't listen to what the people of this world tell you. I did. That didn't end well.
This won't be the last we see of each other. I wish you didn't have to see this of me, but I just couldn't go on anymore. Do not blame yourself. You brought my life happiness. I would never wish to take away yours, but here I am. You still have Wanda. You'll never loss her. Promise me that she'll never lose you. You're going to live a long life.
Then, I'll see you in Heaven.
I've seen it before and you'll love it.
I promise to give you the biggest hug you have ever received from anyone.
We'll both need it.
I love you with all my heart.
The love of my life.
I could never and would never ask for anyone else to take that place.
That's been reserved for you.
I'm sorry.
I will love you, forever and always.

Goodbye, my prince

Your Princess

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