924 23 5

-self-harm warning-

~mia pov~

Lunch has come back and I'm sitting at the bench, again. I have my food with me, but I'm not eating it. It's just getting cold on the seat beside me.

Pietro appears in the place of the tray and I look up into his eyes.

"Hi, Mia."

"Hi, Pietro." I greet weakly.

I really like him, I just don't have the energy to talk. Or walk. Or anything. I'm numb.

"I want you to sit beside me."

"I can't"


"Because. Those girls think you're hot and yell at me for you sitting and talking to me."

"I decided to."

"I know."

"Just do it anyway. I want you to sit with me."

I hesitate for a second while starring into his eyes. I nod and he smiles. We stand up and walk back to our table.

I try not to look at the girls, but I catch a glimpse and they looked pissed. I sit up straight and try not to look, again. I start to play with the sleeves of my jacket.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and someone whispers in my ear.

"Get up and follow me."

I quickly stand up and follow closely behind liz. The teras already want to come out.

We reach the same bathroom and she waists no time to slam me into the wall again, this time, hitting my head.

I gasp and she gets in my face.

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

"No one."

"That's right. You're no one. You're a nobody with no friends. You know why Pietro sits with you? It's because he pities you. He sees the sad and broken little girl that you are. You're nothing to him."

I'm nothing.

Why would I be?

"You listening to me?"

I nod and she backs up and hits me in the face.

"Use your words."

"Yes. I'm listening."

She hits me again and I fall to the ground.

"What's with attitude?"

"I'm sorry." I reply quickly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"You should be sorry. Next time I see you with him, there'll be no words."

"Okay. I'm sorry."


She scoffs and walks out of the bathroom. I rush to one of the stalls and lock it, sitting on the toilet. I begin to sob into my hands.

I remember the razor blade that I have in my pocket for just in case. I take it out and pull up my skirt, pulling down my tights.

The tears fall as I work. So many times. I see it after a while and quickly stop. I wipe it with the toilet paper and fix my clothes.

I run out of the bathroom and don't even go back to my food, just go directly to the bench. I don't even look up.

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