Chapter 20

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I woke up in a hospital room the next morning. Why am I here? I was just fighting demons. I saw Layla asleep on a chair. Her mascara was smeared all over face and around her eyes. I got up and out of the hospital bed. I walked over to Layla and woke her up. She opened her eyes. She looked at me with the biggest smile on her face.

She hopped out of the chair and wrapped her arms around me.

She wouldn't let go.

"Layla..." I said quietly.

She let go and smiled. She took my hand.

2 hours later.

It's 1:00pm. Layla and I were watching tv for a few hours today. We were back at home. We sat up on the couch. She was leaning on me. She paused the TV for a moment and looked at me. She stared straight into my eyes. She was so beautiful. Her long black hair perfectly styled everyday. Her gorgeous smile that never seemed to frown. Her happy go lucky personality that everyone adored.

I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have her.

"We need to talk about something that's been worrying me..." Layla started.  What could this be about. I thought we'd already discussed everything.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I love you. More than anything. There aren't enough words to describe it and I don't want our love to never end. Today, when I saw you laying on the pavement...I thought you were... I thought you were dead. I realized that I'm going to live forever because I'm a vampire but... You... You're going to have wrinkles and grey hair and I'll still look 15." She explained.

"You won't love me. Is that what this is about." I said hoping for a no.

"Of course not! I will always love you. I'm saying that there will be a time when I won't have you. A time when I won't be able to hug you, to watch tv with you, to just talk to you about my life. There will be a time where-" I interrupted her.

"A time where I'm dead." I said reluctantly.

She looked down.

"I do have an idea." She proposed.

"What if I turn you?" She said.

The doorbell rang. I ran to answer it. It was Anna. She entered the house.

She came to see Layla and I. She joined our conversation. We told her about LAYLAS idea.

"No one with powers has ever turned. What if this goes horribly wrong?" Asked Anna.

"He'll be fine." She assured.

"But-" Anna was interrupted by Layla.

"He'll be fine!" She repeated.

"Do you want to?" Asked Anna.


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