Chapter 3

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I woke up. I looked around. I was in a bedroom. Did the portal knock me out? I saw my grandmother sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You went threw the portal."


"So I wanted you to know that we will be leaving for the funeral in 30 minutes so go get ready. We will be at there at 9:00"

I nodded my head. My grandmother left the room.

I looked around the room. I saw a black t-shirt on my drawer in front of my bed. I also saw a pair of black jeans. I actually still love the colour black even though I don't like how I acted when I used to wear them. I got dressed and went downstairs.

I saw coffee on the table with a letter. The table was wooden and black. It was a welcome letter from the training school. I crumpled the paper and threw it in the garbage. I felt a tear trickle down my face. I put my face in my arms and tried to make nobody notice me. Grandmother has her best friends family living with us. Her best friends name is Caroline. Her husband died two years ago. Caroline has three grandchildren. The youngest one is a boy, he's 6 and his names Troy. The middle child is 11 and his names Lucas. The oldest is a girl and her name is Layla. From what grandmothers told me she's not nice. I took a sip of my coffee. I got up and walked out the kitchen.

"Grandmother." I called out. There was no answer. "Grandmother." I said again. Still no answer.

"Grandmother where are you." I yelled. "Can you shut up." Said Layla as she walked past me. I couldn't help but stare at her. She was gorgeous. She had long black hair and side swept bangs.

Luckily her back was facing me so she didn't know I was staring at her. She was wearing black leggings and a black tank top.

I walked up to her. She was putting toast in the toaster. I stood beside her watching. "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen someone make pop tarts before." She said sarcastically.

"Just observing. And trying to get to know you."

"Why would anyone want to know me?"

I didn't say anything.

After a few awkward moments of silence I said something.

"Where's grandmother?"

"The garden."

I went outside. The garden was huge! I saw bright flowers and vegetable bushes everywhere. I don't like flowers. They remind me of funerals, not just any funeral, it reminds me of my parents. I never put much thought as to what was going to happen today. I don't want to see them in a coffin.

"Grandmother when are we leaving?" I asked.

"Well I guess we can go now." She answered.

Grandmother walked out the garden and into her car. We drove to the church to go to the viewing. I looked out the window. I saw walkers lying on the ground. I also saw pale people walking. I still can't believe how my parents never told me about my powers. How could they keep something so important from me. The car slowly came to a stop. I saw a beautiful church. I opened the door and walked inside by myself. Grandmother was outside talking to relatives and friends.

There must have been 80 people already in the church. I sat at the front row. Once everyone was seated the priest began to speak about my parents. They spoke about life,death and my parents for what seemed like an hour or so. I watched four men in tuxedos bring my parents coffins outside. I let out a tear. I walked out the church.

Later on...

Grandmother drove me to the immortal school to go train. I got out the car and walked inside. The school was gigantic. It looked like the immortal building but wider. Anna was waiting for me at the secretary's office.

"I'll bring you to the training room." Said Anna.

I nodded.

We walked down a narrow hallway then made a left and walked down some stairs. When we got into the training room I saw at least 200-400 people. The room was a big, dull empty room. It was painted a sort of greyish blue.

I noticed Layla standing in the vampire section. The training room was separated by categories. The vampires were together, the werewolves were together, fire brokers were together, people with invisibility were together, people with super intelligence were together, the mind readers were together, people with super strength were together and the demon/zombie slayers were together.

I saw six people standing by themselves. I guess those are the people like me. I walked up to them.

"Hi I'm Cameron."

"Hi my name is jack." Said a tall strong looking boy.

"What are your powers?" Asked jack.

"Fire broker, mind reader, invisibility and super intelligence. You?"

"Super strength and teleportation." He replied.

"I don't know there was such thing as teleportation." I said excitedly.

"It's extremely rare. My mother and I are the only teleporters."

"That's amazing." I encouraged.

I heard everything get silent. Jacks eyes widened and he looked very serious. Everyone got into there groups and backed up so that there was an empty circle in the centre of the room. 2 elderly people walked into it. One was a male and the other was a female. They both looked really old. The man had a long white beard that reached his belly button. The lady had long white wavy hair. She looked mysterious for example she was wearing a black cape and at least six rings.

"For all the new people here I would like to welcome you to our school. Today we will learn how to fight. Get into groups of two." Said the man. I waved at Anna but she was already paired up with someone. It seemed like everyone had a partner except for me.

"If you don't have a partner raise your hand." Said the lady. I raised up my arm. Luckily Layla was the only other person who didn't have a partner. "You two" she pointed at me and then Layla "get together." I walked into her group and stood next to her.

"you and your partner will need to fight. So try to fight with your powers." Said the lady.

"I don't want to hurt you." I said. Layla rolled her eyes. She zoomed behind me and put her arm around my neck pretending to choke me. Vampires are lucky to have super speed. "Boom you'd be dead." She said. I pulled her arm down and she fell to the floor. Then I pretended to shoot a fire ball at her. "And so would you." I said. She got up. I pretended to shoot another fire ball at her. She dodged it by ducking down. She zoomed behind me again but this time I was prepared. I became invisible and got out her arms. She smiled. I became visible again. "Who would've known I could make a girl like you smile." I said.

Training went on like this for about an hour. Layla and I bonded today. I think I might have a shot at becoming her friend.

After school I went home and read a book about the immortal history. I fell asleep after reading the 150th page.

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