Chapter One

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I walked out the school and walked to the bus stop. When the city bus came I felt myself get a little bit happier. I hate school, I always have and I always will. I I try hard in school in fact, I get the best grades in my class. I stepped into the bus. I listened to music the entire way home. When the bus came to a stop a darted out and walked home.

My jaw dropped when I saw what had happened. There were fire trucks and police cars surrounding my house. There was also two ambulances. My parents were in them. I started to cry. "What happened!" I shouted at one of the cops. "Calm down sir." He said. "Who did this!" I yelled. "We don't know yet." Said the cop. "Do you know anything?!!?" I exclaimed. "Your parents are unconscious and not breathing, I'm sorry to inform you but I believe they are dead." Said the cop. This was too unreal. Today was such a normal day but somehow this happened. I hope this is a dream. This can't be happening.

The worst thing is that the last thing I said to my dad was; "why can't you just leave me alone." He was talking to me about my future and if I wanted to get a good job I need to study more. I was shocked at the fact that he had the nerve to tell me I need to study more. I study from the minute I get home from school, to the minute I fall sleep. I've been doing this for my whole life. At one point, I stopped however, I had a rebel faze- but even then I was passing every test with A's and B's. In pre-school I was able to read and write books. I even knew how to draw.

Somehow people thought my intelligence was strange so I was bullied. I came home almost each day with a black eye or some sort of bruise on my body. I had one friend, her name was Annabelle but nobody called her that she hated her name so most people called her Anna. Anna was different. She never had a rebel faze instead she was born a rebel. I guess she kind of influenced me to be a rebel for a while but when I realized that I was not a rebel I re-dyed my hair to its natural colour and bought some clothing that wasn't black.

I got into a cop car and they drove me to a hospital. I saw my parents in a room. It looked like they were getting some tests done on them. I sat outside the room staring threw the doors window. Moments later a man came up to me. I was crying and listening to music on my iPhone. The man looked at me. I didn't feel like talking so I ignored his rude expression. He made a fake cough and held an impatient face. He just didn't understand that I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I just want to be left alone. He finally said something. "Sir I understand if you don't want to talk but I need to tell you something. Would you prefer to talk this over a coffee?" He said. I nodded my head and rolled my eyes. "Bye the way my name is John " A doctor walked out the room. "Would you like me to call any family members of yours?" Asked the doctor. "I've had enough of everyone asking me questions just do whatever you want I honestly don't care. My parents just died and I want to be alone so can I please just go to Anna's house?" I asked. "I'm sorry but you need to stay here Cameron." Said the doctor. I rolled my eyes. Suddenly I felt a strange feeling my fingertips started to tingle and a kick of adrenaline rushed through me. I heard a female doctor scream and point at me.

The doctor who was just talking to me was in the room with my parents. John was talking to another doctor in front of me. I felt the palms of my hands burning. I let out a scream. Two seconds later my feet weren't touching the ground neither was I. John turned around. "Oh no it's happening already." He said. I looked at my hands the pain went away but I was holding a fire ball in each hand. I needed to find a way to get rid of them so I threw one across from me. It's created a hole in the wall and smashed into the wall parallel to it. I threw the other one out the window. I felt myself drop to the ground, what just happened to me? "Cameron I need to talk to you would you please listen this time!?" Asked john. However the way he said it sounded more like a demand. I nodded my head.

"Follow me." Said john. He walked out the hospital and into the parking lot. He brought me to his car. I usually would say I don't trust strangers but something made me trust him. Maybe it was the fact that sounded like he knew something about the fireballs that shot out of my hands. I got into his car. He started to drive. "Look I know how that was before but trust me that was only the beginning." Said john. "Why what's going to happen?" I asked.

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