Chapter nine

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Day 2

We spent all of yesterday searching and didn't find anything but a demon. We fell asleep in an old building. The room we fell asleep in used to be a furniture store so we each found a comfortable thing to sleep on. Layla slept on a white couch, I slept on the bottom of a bunk bed and Anna slept on the top. I woke up the earliest. It was 8:15am. I got out of bed and checked my phone. I looked at some pictures on it. I found one of me and my parents fishing at the beach. We were on a camping trip. It was so fun. I scrolled to the next picture, it was of me and Anna when we first met in grade eight, we were sitting in the first cart of a super high and fast roller coaster. It was super fun. That night we bought cotton candy, we won prizes and went on crazy roller coasters.

Anna woke up.

"Hey early bird." She said to me.

"Hey sleepy head." I replied.

She climbed down from the top of the bunk bed and grabbed my phone out of my hands. It was still on the picture of us.

"I remember that night." She said.

"It was the best!" I exclaimed.

"Do you remember when we went on the old wooden roller coaster and you threw up all over that poor old women!" She said while laughing.

"How could I forget! She didn't speak English. It sounded like German and she was yelling so much." I told.

"I felt so bad for her." Said Anna.

"So did I." I said.

Layla woke up. She's really not a morning person.

"Let's go kick some demon butt!" Layla exclaimed excitedly.

We ran out of the furniture store and looked for some demons and hunters.

"BEHIND YOU." I yelled to Layla.

I threw a fireball at the hunter behind Layla but the hunter dodged it. I ran behind it.

"Did you kill my parents?" I asked.

I put my arm around his neck.

"No. But I know who did." Said the hunter.

"Who did it?" I asked

"My brother." Said the hunter.

"Why should I trust you." I asked.

"Because I'm not a hunter. I just pretend I am." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because my entire family is. They killed your parents but it was my brothers idea. He and your parents were fighting for years. They hated each other. One day my brother lost it and he killed them. I'm so sorry that he did it." Said the hunter.

I nodded.

I punched him in the face and we threw him in the portal. He was lying. I could tell.

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