Chapter 5

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The next day...

I woke up to the sound of familiar yelling. It was Layla's mom yelling at her. I checked my phone to see what time it was. Oh shoot! School starts in five minutes! I quickly put on a pair of dark blue jeans and a red graphic t shirt with the words led Zeppelin in big letters on it. I ran down the stairs and picked my school bag from the bottom of the stairs and darted out the door. I ran to school.

When I got there I was out of breath. My first class was in the schools basement. They were grouping people. I sprinted down my schools narrow hallway and ran down the stairs. People were staring at me. Some laughing, some rolling their eyes and others not noticing. I scanned the room. I spotted Anna. But not Layla. She's probably still fighting with her mom.
I walked next to Anna.

"So what happened yesterday? You seemed a little... Strange." I said softly.

"I'm being followed." She replied. She got watery eyes as she said it.

"By who?"


"I swear I will find them before they come back."

"Thanks Cameron."

The basement got quiet. I heard the doors of the basement open. They made this screechy noise when people opened them. An old man came in. The same one from last last time I was down here.

"I will give you the choice to choose your partner or to be alone. You can be a group of three. Once you are done sit down." He said.

"Anna do you wanna be my partner?" I asked.

"Of course! If we're going to find hunters and demons we are going to do it together."

Layla stormed into the room. I motioned for her to come here. She smiled and sprinted to Anna and I.

"Can I be with you guys?" She asked.

"Sure." I said.

Anna made big angry eyes as if she didn't want to be with Layla.

Once everyone was sitting the old man began to speak.

"Everyone must meet at the portal number 12 and we will go in together. You have three days to find as many as possible. Your mission is to send them back to their own portal and then when they're all in we will seal the portal shut so that they can't come out."

I can't wait for tomorrow! I'm going to find the hunters who killed my parents and the hunter who are after Anna. I can't imagine them. I wonder how they look. I've seen vampires and they just look like normal people but more pale and usually they wear dark colours for some reason. I've never seen a demon though. I'm curious about them. I read that they can have wings.

"So tonight Anna will come over to our house and we'll come up with some plans for the mission." I said.

"So I'll come at 4:00." Anna said softly.

"Sounds good to me." Said Layla.

Hey guys I just wanted to say the picture is of his cat fangs and thanks for almost 100 views. Let me know what you think of what happened I will be updating a lot.

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