Chapter 13

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Yesterday I looked for Layla. I went all over the immortal world. I even went through different portals. Why did she leave? I just don't understand. I didn't affect her or anything. She's just pushing me away because I'm her first and only person she's ever cared about. I need to find her!

My phone buzzed. It was from Layla. She was whispering with a scared voice she sounded like she had just been crying.

"I was going to tell you sooner but..." She trailed off.

"tell me what?" I asked.

"They know where we are!" She exclaimed.

"Who's they?" I asked.

"The demons." She said. Why would they want us and why'd she leave? This makes no sense. "They knew we were looking for them in the portal and they tracked where we live. They want to turn us into their kind." She continued.

"But why'd you leave and where are you." I asked

"... I'm at home..." She said suspiciously.

"I'll be there in ten minutes." I said.

I walked to our house. Anna came with me.I ran into her room. She was sitting on her bed. Anna sat beside her.

I stayed standing.

"So what do we do now?" Asked Anna.

"Wait I guess." Said Layla.

"We didn't prepare." I said.

"Did you prepare for any of this cameron? You came here as a geeky teenager and now look at you. You're strong and tough and you have friends. You've never needed to prepare cameron and neither do we." Said Layla.

"In life there will be times where you can't prepare and times where you may not ever know what truly will happen." Said Anna.

"But they are stronger and-" I tried to talk but Anna interrupted me.

"Have you heard a word we said? You don't always need to prepare for things." She said.

"Ok fine. Let's do this!" I said.

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