Chapter eleven

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We both jumped in. I woke up on a side walk. Layla was already awake.

"Anna!" I yelled.

The way portals work is in the immortal building they have all the portal entries and once you enter you will come out of a portal that's in the world you are in. So, that means there are two portals. One you enter and the other to exit and come out of after you enter.

Nobody replied. We ran into different stores and apartments but we didn't see Anna.

I dropped to the ground. On my knees.

Layla sat beside me.

"We're gonna find her Cameron." She said.

"And if we don't." I argued.

"Cameron." She said softly. "We will." Layla continued.

I nodded my head. We looked at the sky. It was a beautiful colour. It was an ocean bluish greenish colour. The moon was shining. It looked like a giant precious pearl watching over the world.

Layla looked at the ground. She often does that, I think it's because she's thinking about someone. I know that look, the one where you can't understand why something happened so you stare at the ground thinking hard about why, how and what could have happened. The look where all you see is a closed door in front of your face and behind that door lies all the secrets and answers that you've been dying to find.

"Layla, I know that look." I softly told.

She lifted her head.

"What look?" She asked trying to act as if nothing was wrong.

"The one where you stare at the ground and think for like five minutes." I explained.

"I was remembering when I got stuck here. The entry portal was blocked and every time I tried to leave I'd wake up here. I remembered how it seemed like nobody was going to find me and that I'd need to spend Christmas, New Years, my birthday, halloween, and just important things in my life all alone. I was scared that a demon would sneak up on my and turn me into one. I had spent so much time doubting that someone would find me and when someone finally did, I thought why would anyone want to get me? I had no friends at the time because I had just moved here and I usually get along with my family but we're not close. Then I realized that all that time of doubtful thinking was useless because now I see things in a positive way so if you give up on Anna and think that she's gone then you are a fool!"

She said it with a lot of emotion and I could see in her eyes that at that time in her life she wasn't happy. Her eyes weren't jolly and cheerful like they normally were, they were big, watery and emotional. I always saw Layla from the time I knew her as a nice and happy person, she didn't normally show her emotions. This proves that she really trusts me.

"Let's go find her!" I said smiling.

"Alright." She said while chuckling.

We walked in the dark. After ten minutes we heard crying. We were in a long, narrow, dark ally way. I saw the silhouette of a person leaning on a brick wall sitting on the floor.

"Who's there?" Asked a terrified voice.

"Anna?" I asked.

Suddenly the silhouette was gone and I felt someone hug me and crying. Layla joined the hug. I knew it was Anna. We all let go of each other.

We decided to leave this portal. We woke up in the immortal building. It was morning. Nobody was in the portal room.

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