Chapter eight

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I woke up still holding hands with Anna and Layla. Each of them on either side of me. I let go of them. They were still both asleep. We were on a sidewalk next to a building. I shook Anna's shoulder hoping to wake her up. Her eyes opened. She blinked four times in a row.

"Where are we?" Asked Layla.

"Portal number twelve." I replied.

"I know that, I meant where are we IN portal number twelve." She explained.

"We're at the portals movie theatre I think." I said.

I glanced at a billboard next to the building that had a picture of some cartoon that said coming soon to twelves theatre.

Layla woke up.

We all got off the ground and started to walk around the portal.

"LOOK BEHIND YOU!" Shouted Layla.

I turned around. A hunter with a bow and arrow was behind me. I shot a fire ball at the hunter and it disappeared.

"Nice one." Said Layla.

We continued to search. Suddenly I heard Anna scream. She was walking behind Layla and I was walking in front of Layla. Layla turned around, so did I. A demon was strangling Anna. I bashed it in the head. It wasn't dead, it was simply unconscious. I took it to the portal we were lying next to earlier and threw it in.

The demon looked like a short male with long pointed ears. It had sharp long nails, it's eyes were completely black, it's fingers were fat,short and stubby. It's head was large and looked like a football. It's nose was large and round. It's skin was greyish black.

"That was the first demon I've ever seen!" I exclaimed.

"Me too." Said Anna.

"Not me, I got stuck here once, somebody pushed me in the portal and then locked me in for weeks." She explained. I remember she said something yesterday about being stuck here but then Anna had interrupted her. "I learned how to fight them and learned how to defend myself. The demons are strong, stronger than I thought." She continued.

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