Chapter 2

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The Next Day...

I woke up in the car. "We will be at the Immortal Building in five minutes. Anna's going to be there, so will 400 other people."

"Cool" I replied sarcastically.

"So how are you feeling?"

"My parents just died how do you think I feel?"

John wasn't invisible this morning. I guess he didn't want people to call the cops because a car is on the highway without a driver. If my parents never told me I had powers I wonder what was stopping them. It's not like I would've used my powers for evil. Maybe they didn't want the hunters to know who I was because they may have known about my parents powers and they could've killed them or maybe me if they knew...They could've threatened my parents. Maybe they threatened my parents to tell the hunters where I was so they could kill me but maybe my parents refused and they burned the house down. These thoughts are almost to unreal to think of. I never thought about a time without my parents.

"I got a phone call while you were sleeping, your parents funeral will be held tomorrow in the immortal world."

I looked out the window. I didn't know how to respond to that.

"So Anna is-" I interrupted john.

"It's too early to talk and I need a coffee."

"Once we get to the building and into the world I will be sure to get you one."

I smiled. I drink a lot of coffee. I started drinking it early I was only twelve. It started when I tried an iced coffee from McDonalds. It was my first coffee.

The car slowed down and came to a stop. We were parked in front of a big old scary looking tower.

"When you said building this isn't what I had in mind."

"This is where your journey begins Cameron."

I smiled. We walked in the immortal building. I saw a beautiful girl standing in the lobby. I heard voices and people walking but I couldn't see them.

"Why can't I see anyone?"

"He's new?" Asked the witch. She had a rude expression on her face.

John nodded.

She handed me a cup a quarter filled with blue juice.

"Take a sip." She said.

I swallowed it. I coughed a bit. When I looked around the room I saw people. Some were extremely pale. I was guessing those were the vampires.

"The juice makes you see immortal beings." Said john.

There was a desk with a man standing behind it. On the desk was a black cat. It looked at me and jumped down from the desk. It rubbed against my leg and meowed. I pat it's head. I heard the man behind the desk say something. "His name is fangs, you can keep him if you want?" Said the man. "Sure." I replied.

John walked me to the elevator, we went up to the 7th floor. "Anna is in there I assume you want to be alone so when your done chatting meet me in the lobby."said John. He pointed at the fifth door down the hall. Fangs followed me into the hallway. I knocked on the door.

She opened it. "Cameron?!?"

Anna gave me a hug. She let go of me.

"I'm so sorry about your parents."

I nodded

I walked into her apartment. It was messy. I expected that from Anna, she was very lazy.

" you never told me."

"I'm so-" I interrupted.

"I'm sick of people saying sorry. Did you not trust me or something."

"I don't know, I guess I didn't want you to be scared of me."

"Before grade 8 I had no friends ok, you were my only friend."

"What about Matt."

Matt was my best friend until he moved away. He was my best friend from kindergarden till grade 8.

"He's in germany. What does he have to do with this?"

"Well..." She trailed off.

"Say it."

"He's a mind reader"

I didn't say anything.

"And he's not in germany he's in the immortal world fighting demons and zombies."

"Are you going to come to the immortal world with me?"


"Training is new, they started the program to make us learn how to fight demons."

"So training is tomorrow?"

"No tomorrow is class."

"Will I be attending class with you?"


I said nothing

"And your parents funeral will be in the morning tomorrow so you will miss 10 minutes of class."

I nodded.

"I like your cat" she added.

"Thanks his name is fangs."

"Well you should probably get going, your grandmother is waiting for you in the immortal world. She's a witch."

I walked out her apartment.

That's so strange, it's like everyone I knew is actually not human. Including myself. People were lying to me and I didn't even have a clue.

I took the elevator to the top floor. That's where the portals are. My phone rang. It was my ex girlfriend. We broke up because she said she just needed time to figure things out. She never told me what she needed to figure out. I think she might be immortal. She was the love of my life. We did everything together. When she broke up with me I felt like someone burned a hole in my heart. I'm still trying to forget about her. I answered the phone.

"I'm so sorry Cameron."

"It's fine."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine Lexi."

"Do you wanna talk?"

"I'm... Busy..." I trailed off.

"Why'd you say it like that."

"No reason."

"I need to go."

"When can I see you again."

"I don't know, soon I'll text you when I'm free."

"ok I'll see you soon."

"See ya soon."



I stepped out the elevator. The portal was the size of a door. It looked pitch black on the inside. I jumped in.

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